


Supervised learning problems are categorized into “regression” and “classification” problems. In a regression problem, we are trying to predict results within a continuous output, meaning that we are trying to map input variables to some continuous function. In a classification problem, we are instead trying to predict results in adiscrete output. In other words, we are trying to map input variables into discrete categories.


他把这种趋势平均化的现象写到了自己1886年的论文中。论文的全名叫:Regression towards Mediocrity in Hereditary Stature. 这篇论文当年被发在了大不列颠以及爱尔兰人类研究学院期刊上。我们现今把论文中的这种“回归”现象称为:均值回归或者平庸回归(reversion to the mean/reversion to mediocrity)。背后的意义是说:哪怕单看一组父亲和孩子的身高,两个人的身高可能差异很大,但是从整个人群上来看,父亲和孩子的身高分布应该是很相近的。

C.R.Rao等在Linear Models and Generalizations: Least Squares and Alternatives中解释道 the literature meaning of REGRESSION is “ to move in the backward direction”,看以下两个陈述:

S1: model generates data or

S2: data generates model.

Rao认为很明显陈述S1才是对的,因为模型实际上本来就是存在的只不过我们不知道(model exists in nature but is unknown to the experimenter),

先有模型所以我们知道X就能得到Y:先有模型 -> 有了X就有Y(S1)

而“回归”的意思就是我们通过收集X与Y来确定实际上存在的关系模型:收集X与Y -> 确定模型

