1. 「知行科技」发布L3自动驾驶方案,已与多家主机厂签订产品订单

    1 月 30 日,自动那个驾驶研发商「知行科技」在苏州举办了年度发布会,并对外公布了 L3 级自动驾驶量产级详细方案,包括 iMo Pilot3.0 三级自动驾驶系统、iMo DCU3.0 三级自动驾驶中央域控制器与 iMo IFC1.0 智能前视摄像头。

    创始人兼 CEO 宋阳透露,目前知行科技可对外输出的产品,包括了自动驾驶的中央域控制器与智能前置摄像头等安全件。今年 6 月,知行科技已经完成了 L2 级自动驾驶系统的研发和测试,同时取得了上汽、众泰等主机厂的合同,车型订单超过每年 10 万台。

  2. Uber正在试图收购Lime或Bird其中一家,布局共享电动滑板车

  3. BMW says Level 5 self-driving car for public could happen by 2021

    On Tuesday, BMW executives said they could sell a car to the public that would be capable of driving itself—without a steering wheel. The only factors keeping them from selling a completely self-driving car? Government regulations and high-resolution maps.

    Klaus Froehlich, BMW Group Board of Management responsible for product development, told Motor Authority the company would be ready as quickly as 2021.

    In other words, BMW thinks it will be able to beat Google’s Waymo self-driving car division to a wide market with its own technology. Waymo reportedly plans to begin a self-driving car taxi service next month.

  4. Byton reveals self-driving living-room on wheels, the K-Byte, in LA

    Byton aims to reinvent the car by turning it into the next generation iPhone. Other automakers have talked about turning their center screen displays into iPhone-like interfaces, but not the whole car.

    That seems to be the goal of Byton, which says it is creating the “next generation smart device,” “spaceship Byton,” “your self-cruising living space.”

    In a two-hour press conference streamed from Shanghai in English and Chinese to coincide with its press-conference slot at the LA Auto Show, the startup electric-carmaker laid out plans to bring its first SUV to market late next year, and showed a concept version of its next model, the K-Byte luxury sedan.

  5. Extremely Precise Bosch Sensor Will Help Self-Driving Cars Navigate Roads More Accurately

    Self-driving cars require an array of sensors to figure out things human drivers take for granted, like knowing the exact position of a vehicle on the road. Bosch claims to have developed a sensor that will allow autonomous cars to keep track of exactly where they are, right down to the centimeter. The new sensor will be unveiled to the public at the 2019 Detroit Auto Show in January.

    Bosch’s sensor relies on data from the global navigation satellite system (GNSS), which is continuously beamed to the car through a built-in receiver. But Bosch acknowledges that this data won’t always be accurate enough. Atmospheric interface could garble signals, the company noted in a press release, and it’s not always possible to get a precise fix on a vehicle’s position from orbiting satellites.

  6. Report: Uber CEO Says ‘We Screwed Up’ To Staff In Wake Of Self-Driving Death

  7. The 5 Best Stocks to Invest in Self-Driving Cars

    Tesla (TSLA)

    Ambarella (AMBA): Ambarella (NASDAQ:AMBA), whose past growth rates came from supplying camera chip technology to GoPro (NASDAQ:GPRO), reinvented itself by developing computer vision (CV1, CV2) chips for the ADAS market. However, the transition to the market of self-driving cars has not been without hiccups. In August, Ambarella forecast Q3 revenues of $55.5 million to $58.5 million, well below the $73.4 million consensus at the time.

    Nvidia (NVDA)

    General Motors (GM)

    Aptiv (APTV): Aptiv PLC (NYSE:APTV), whose shares are hovering near 52-week lows, earned a number of customer awards that recognized the firm’s adoption on advanced safety, electrification and connectivity.It won a business award for its six highly scalable Level 2+ ADAS systems with a major North American OEM. The auto parts supplier is pivoting its business toward software, compute and integration solutions. This transition is playing out because Aptiv is booking new business. It is clearly on the way to delivering a Level 4 and Level 5 automated driving commercial product.

  8. Ready for self-driving future? Sorry, it’s drizzling out

  9. California Cops Figured Out How to Stop a Tesla in Autopilot While the Driver Slept Behind the Wheel

  10. It Took Seven Minutes to Pull Over a Drunk and “Unresponsive” Tesla Driver

    At approximately 3:37 am, an officer pulled up to a stationary Tesla Model S with sirens blaring on Highway 101 in Palo Alto, California. After chasing the car for seven long minutes at 70 mph (the Tesla was driving just over the speed limit) the officer finally managed to get a peek at the driver.

    But the driver was completely “unresponsive,” according to the Los Altos Town Crier.

    The officer was clever enough to figure out the Tesla was most likely set to Autopilot —although that’s not officially confirmed yet — and called two additional officers to help him slow down Samek’s Model S safely.

  11. Kids Today Want Electric Cars: Automakers Should Take Notice

  12. 揭秘特斯拉超级电池工厂,这里是机器人的世界

  13. 无人驾驶凛冬将至?

    「Waymo 都没有做成功的事情,凭什么其他公司就能做成而且做好?」


    即便做了 9 年,即便实地测试里程数已经高达 1600 万公里,Waymo 也无法掩盖其在自动驾驶服务的商业化进程上正在倒退一步:


    何小鹏称自己还在做互联网的时候,曾跟欧洲一家公司展开竞争,对方提出的一个「可靠性的标准」是「5 个 9」(在系统的高可靠性里有个衡量可靠性的标准——X 个 9,5 个 9 表示该系统在连续运行 1 年时间里最多可能的业务中断时间是 5.26 分钟,达到高可用性级别)。

    直到现在,即使对 BAT 来说,要想把一个服务做到「5 个 9」的可靠性也还是非常非常困难。

    而对应到汽车行业,他认为无人驾驶车有一个很大的挑战,就是在于谁能够把它先做到 n 个 9。

  14. 为创业公司提供资金和真实工作场景,PSA 国际港务集团携手创业公司,提高跨境物流行业效率

    PSA 国际港务集团是全球领先的集装箱码头运营商,年吞吐量占全球的9%。2017 年,PSA 在亚洲、欧洲和美洲共处理超过7400万标准箱 (TEUs)。

    至今为止,PSA unboXed 共投资了8家创业公司。除了Haulio以外,还包括谷歌前 CEO Eric Schmidt 投资的物流预测云平台 ClearMetal, 国际货运代理平台 HAKOVO,以及东南亚 B2B 运输平台 Deliveree。

    成立于2014年的 ClearMetal 基于人工智能下的 SaaS 服务器,提供货物查询服务,让电商公司、零售商和制造商实时了解其货物的运输情况,提升供应链的信息透明度和效率。

    HAKOVO 成立于2016年,通过同航运公司、货运代理、终端运营商和金融技术服务提供商的对接,为客户提供两种报价服务:即时和短期(最佳投标)服务。

    Deliveree 创立于2014年,是一家 B2B 物流撮合平台,主要面向大公司提供货物配送服务。主要负责工厂、仓库、配送站和订单履约中心间的运输。

  15. 日产汽车独立董事将开会,推举新董事长人选

    日产汽车的独立董事会成员周二将开会推举出新董事长人选,被罢免的前董事长Carlos Ghosn目前在日本身陷囹圄,他们的选择将向外界透露出日产与雷诺联盟未来的方向。

    知情人士称,首席执行官Hiroto Saikawa和曾经被Ghosn引为知己的Toshiyuki Shiga是最有可能的继任者。独立董事们已经表示,他们将从现任董事中提名新董事长。日产董事会将于12月17日就独立董事推举出的人选进行投票。

  16. 美国共享滑板车的新生意:人肉充电器,月入2000美金?





  17. 特斯拉半年四度调价引发七成暴跌,Model3周产7000辆亟需销路



  18. New York’s Taxi and Limousine Commission approves minimum wage rules for app-based drivers

    The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission has approved new rules designed to provide a minimum hourly wage of $17.22 (after expenses) for drivers who work with app-based services like Uber, Lyft, Via and Juno.

  19. America’s first self-driving car bill gets last-minute push from Congress

    The AV START Act is sponsored by the Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John Thune (R-SD), but hasn’t moved onto the floor after Democrats like Sens. Diane Feinstein (D-CA) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) voiced concerns about the bill. The opposing lawmakers cited frustrations over safety standards, privacy, and whether consumers should be forced into private arbitration over legal complaints. Many of those concerns have since been addressed, according to an updated bill text and summary document obtained by The Verge.

  20. GM Patent Touts Blockchain As Data Solution for Self-Driving Cars

    General Motors (GM) may be eyeing a blockchain platform to manage data from future fleets of automated cars.

    A patent application published Thursday by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office details a process by which self-driving cars would be able to store all their data on a distributed ledger. The document, produced by GM Global Technology Operations LLC, further notes that any data stored could be easily shared among the blockchain’s users.

  21. FF:由于资金紧张,不得不让更多员工停薪留职

  22. 那些年德国汽车业教会我们的事

  23. 前员工揭露ofo败局:挥霍、贪污、站队、大裁员

  24. 焦点分析 顺风车事件影响难消,滴滴通过调整架构“保命”


  25. “围城”特斯拉:年轻人硅谷实习首选,老员工焦虑不堪想逃离

  26. 创投观察 出行2018 :政策正成为行业变量

  27. 创投观察 汽车电商及服务2018:​从线上到线下

  28. 爱驰汽车发布首款量产SUV,要打造最长续航纯电动车型

  29. Waymo launches self-driving car service Waymo One

    Waymo, the former Google self-driving project owned by parent company Alphabet, is launching a commercial robotaxi service in the Phoenix area

    Dubbed Waymo One, this milestone for the company and nascent self-driving technology industry comes with caveats.

    The Waymo One self-driving car service, and accompanying app, won’t be available to just anyone. And for now, the company says it will have Waymo-trained test drivers behind the wheel (even though the company already has driverless vehicles on public roads in Phoenix).

    Waymo will first invite Phoenix residents who are part of its early rider program, which was designed to give a vetted group of people the ability to use an app to hail a self-driving vehicle. The early rider program, which launched in April 2017, had more than 400 participants the last time Waymo shared figures on the program.

  30. 4 Self-Driving Car Stocks Paving the Way for Profits

  31. ofo的昨天,今天和明天

  32. 网约车仍在疯狂吸金:Lyft要上市,Grab今年融资额或达30亿美元



  33. 特斯拉上海建厂新进展:媒体称工程建设招标已启动

  34. 特斯拉最新争议事件:司机睡着了,车还在跑高速

  35. 南京公交车的“诚信投币线路”,解决了哪些人的刚需?

  36. ofo印度被收购,另一场“中国式”共享单车混战正在上演

  37. Uber正输掉无人驾驶汽车竞赛,现在追赶为时已晚?

  38. Lyft files IPO documents with SEC

    Lyft has filed a draft registration statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for its long-awaited initial public offering, Lyft wrote in a press release today. However, the exact timing of the offering is unclear.

    Lyft was last valued at about $15 billion, while competitor Uber is valued north of $100 billion. Uber, of course, is also expected to go public sometime next year. According to Reuters, Lyft’s IPO will happen during the first half of 2019 and be underwritten by JPMorgan Chase, Credit Suisse and Jeffries.

  39. 分析师称马斯克可能会辞去特斯拉CEO职位

    美国投行杰富瑞(Jefferies)的菲利普·霍乔斯(Philippe Houchois)日前表示,鉴于当前特斯拉面临的形势,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)可能会辞去特斯拉CEO一职。通常情况下,大多数公司的CEO们都不愿去扮演一个权力被削弱的角色,但这或许正是特斯拉所需要的。


  40. 通用汽车背水一战




  41. 10条高铁新线年底前开通,试运行车上3瓶矿泉水惊呆众人


    • 京哈高铁承德至沈阳段;
    • 新民至通辽高铁;
    • 哈尔滨至牡丹江高铁;
    • 济南至青岛高铁;
    • 青岛至盐城铁路;
    • 杭昌高铁杭州至黄山段;
    • 南平至龙岩铁路;
    • 怀化至衡阳铁路;
    • 铜仁至玉屏铁路;
    • 成都至雅安铁路。
  42. 自动驾驶汽车的命运,取决于一个价值7万亿美元的设计问题

    用Waymo产品主管丹·楚(Dan Chu)的话来说,Waymo的设计师和工程师们努力使这项服务变得更加可靠。在整个Waymo One体验中,这一方针得到了加强。

    它无处不在,从汽车的界面,在每一个转弯时都会提醒你,让你放心,它会提前刹车,无时无刻都散发着避免意外的味道。为了减轻人们坐上机器人汽车的恐惧(并防止一场真正灾难性的媒体事件),Waymo One内仍然有一名人类“司机”。







    为了让你可以直观地看到这些算法,Waymo 在前排座位头枕处安装了两个屏幕。这些屏幕有一项艰巨的任务:它们必须取代你,从一个人那里得到的所有微妙的提示和交谈。

    它们展示了所有你想要的东西:你的名字。 你的目的地。 你到达的时间。 还有一个大大的蓝色的“开始行驶”按钮。 (有人告诉我,启动不可能是自动的,因为一辆车怎么可能知道所有人都在里面?)





  43. 共享经济真的凉了?

    “共享经济”这个术语,最早出现在美国德克萨斯州立大学社会学教授马科斯·费尔逊(Marcus Felson)与伊利诺伊大学社会学教授琼·斯潘思(Joe L. Spaeth)于1978年合作的一篇论文中,其大意是“将自己的闲置资源分享给有需求的人,在获得报酬的同时还产生额外的附加值”。而后经过多年的发展,今日人们理解的共享经济已经上升为一种商业模式,即拥有闲置资源的某个机构或者个人,以有偿的方式将资源使用权暂时让渡给他人,并获取一定报酬。










  44. Tencent-backed fleet manager G7 racks up $320M in funding

    A sizable funding round is poised to heat up a race to automate China’s logistics infrastructure. Beijing-based fleet management company G7 announced on Monday that it has banked $320 million to drive technological development, bringing its total capital raised to around $500 million.

    G7, which runs a proprietary connected platform for trucks, shippers, fleet manager and drivers, received the proceeds from lead investor HOPU Investments, one of the most high-profile private equity firms in China.