1. 5层20条匝道通往8个方向,这座桥让导航哭了


  2. 投资者热情骤降,电动滑板车巨头Bird 和Lime估值均大降



  3. 福特中国高管李宏鹏离职,长安福特前11月销量暴跌51.2%


  4. 自动驾驶向个人全面开放依然长路漫漫

  5. Walk the city block of the future

  6. Uber files confidentially for IPO

    The company on Friday filed confidentially for an IPO, marking the beginning of a race to the stock markets for the two ride-hailing giants.

    Uber’s most recent private market valuation was a whopping $72 billion, though the nearly 10-year-old business reportedly expects Wall Street to value it at as much as $120 billion in what will easily be one of the most highly anticipated IPOs of the decade.

  7. SoftBank invests in parking startup ParkJockey pushing valuation to $1 billion

    SoftBank continues to invest in the future of transportation — this time in ParkJockey, a startup that has built a technology platform aimed at monetizing parking lots. And ParkJockey, which was founded in 2013, is already using that capital to scale up.

    Along with the SoftBank investment news, ParkJockey also announced that it was acquiring two of the largest parking operators in North America. The startup, with help from Abu Dhabi-based Mubadala Capital and debt financing from Owl Rock, said it had reached an agreement to acquire Imperial Parking Corporation, a North American-based parking management company often referred to as Impark. The agreement follows ParkJockey’s acquisition of parking management operator Citizens Parking Inc.

    Miami-based ParkJockey developed a parking management platform that helps commercial property owners better monetize parking lots as well as handle operations at large venues and stadiums. The company’s platform offers features like automatic license plate recognition and pay-by-app, among others. The company’s app also can be used by drivers to find parking spaces more efficiently.

  8. Self-driving companies must prepare for the future even if they’re not ready — down to the VR and laser patents

    While there’s no guarantee you’ll be sliding into an autonomous, virtual world on your way to work in 10, 20 or even 50 years, San Francisco-based Uber wants the right to exercise that concept if and when the time comes.

    That means securing intellectual property by building a solid patent portfolio. Unlike some major companies that stack up troves of patents to not only protect their own inventions but to sell to smaller firms, companies in the self-driving space generally believe quality, not quantity, is key.

    “We want to have a very efficient patent portfolio … where every asset is achieving some strategic goal,” Mr. Storm said. “That could mean protecting against competitors, sending a message to investors or demonstrating something to the public.”

  9. As Calif. AV population doubles, so do crashes

  10. Another twist as trial lawyers turn against new self-driving bill

  11. Israeli inventor of car cameras says self-driving vehicles are future of artificial intelligence

    Amnon Shashua, cofounder and chief technology officer of the Israeli company Mobileye, lives and works at the vanguard of self-driving cars.

    “Autonomous vehicles are really just a platform for artificial intelligence,” he told a rapt audience at an event hosted by the American Friends of Hebrew University in Center City. That’s essentially a computer that can perceive risks and make split-second driving decisions.

    “Cars are the ideal platform for AI — requiring intelligence, perception, decision-making. Very much like playing chess,” he explained. In addition, “imagine a world where a family only needs one self-driving car. It can drop your kids off at school, then you at work, then go pick up your groceries at the store by itself.”

  12. Tesla Autopilot is ‘soon’ going to support traffic lights, roundabouts, and full self-driving, says Elon Musk

  13. 空客欲在中国推直升机版滴滴,落地方案仍待探讨



  14. 虽然你这辆GT-R马力很大,不过…已经买不到了

  15. 吉林富豪投百亿要造高铁,如今陷入债务危局





  16. 2018年黑科技盘点,我投百度无人车一票!

  17. 菲克牵手腾讯,达成汽车智能网联战略合作





  18. Elon Musk’s plans for 2019 might include a Tesla pickup truck prototype

  19. Here’s how Lyft envisions self-driving cars communicating with pedestrians

  20. Report: Morgan Stanley lands coveted Uber IPO role

  21. Waymo首次公开自动驾驶技术:让AI学会「危机想象力」

    《ChauffeurNet: Learning to Drive by Imitating the Best and Synthesizing the Worst》


  22. A slashed tire, a pointed gun, bullies on the road: Why do Waymo self-driving vans get so much hate?

    A Waymo self-driving van cruised through a Chandler neighborhood Aug. 1 when test driver Michael Palos saw something startling as he sat behind the wheel — a bearded man in shorts aiming a handgun at him as he passed the man’s driveway.

    The incident is one of at least 21 interactions documented by Chandler police during the past two years where people have harassed the autonomous vehicles and their human test drivers.

    People have thrown rocks at Waymos. The tire on one was slashed while it was stopped in traffic. The vehicles have been yelled at, chased and one Jeep was responsible for forcing the vans off roads six times.

    Many of the people harassing the van drivers appear to hold a grudge against the company, a division of Mountain View, California-based Alphabet Inc., which has tested self-driving technology in the Chandler area since 2016.

    “Haselton said that his wife usually keeps the gun locked up in fear that he might shoot somebody,” Jacobs wrote in the report. “Haselton stated that he despises and hates those cars (Waymo) and said how Uber had killed someone.”

  23. 不是我不爱“轧马路”,是这个马路设计真的不行

    对人友好的街道,需要有一些“深度”,也就是不无聊、且视觉上有一定的延展空间。“友好的街道有三个敌人:停车场、药房和著名建筑师,”《可行走的城市》(Walkable City)作者、美国资深规划师杰夫·斯派克(Jeff Speck)说。停车场太空旷,药房、医院和诊所只有寡淡无味的白墙,这些枯燥无味的元素不断重复,给行人的观感和体验都很差。而街边的店铺延伸出来的户外座位、能看到室内的落地窗、小花坛等等,都是提升街道深度的手段。

  24. “豆腐渣”的台北桃园机场,缝缝补补续一年



  25. 摩拜计划分拆欧洲业务部门,估值1亿美元

  26. 美国共享电动滑板车大战:80%的车源自这家中国公司




  27. 港口整合潮向内陆蔓延,如何“破壁”?





  28. 优信抱上淘宝大腿,但二手车电商还得不断试错




  29. 新汽车观察 小鹏汽车能靠“智能化”取胜吗?



  30. 想要量产自研芯片,比亚迪还有挑战


    IGBT(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor,绝缘栅双极型晶体管)属于汽车功率半导体的一种,其芯片与动力电池电芯并称为电动车的“双芯”,是影响电动车性能的关键技术。一直以来,IGBT因设计门槛高、技术难、投资大,被业内称为电动车核心技术的“珠穆拉玛峰”。






  31. Toyota invests in autonomous driving simulation startup Parallel Domain

    Parallel Domain, the startup that develops software to train self-driving cars in virtual worlds, has added an additional investor to its seed round. Earlier this month, Toyota AI Ventures contributed to Parallel Domain’s $2.65 million seed round led by Costanoa Ventures, with participation from Ubiquity Ventures and others.

    “We’re not only impressed with their technology, but also with the Parallel Domain team,” Toyota AI Ventures Founding Manager Director Jim Adler wrote in a blog post. “They have a clear vision for solving the problems associated with getting AVs on the road safely, and the expertise to make it happen.”

  32. Google Maps now shows nearby Lime bikes and scooters in 13 cities

  33. Lyft is becoming a one-stop transportation app in these 3 cities

  34. Angry Arizonians are abusing Waymo self-driving cars

    There have been 21 reported incidences of such assaults on vehicles, according to the Arizona Republic, with people apparently fed up of Waymo autonomous cars driving around their neighbourhoods.

    Why exactly folks are so angry at Waymo’s driverless cars is a bit of a mystery, though it would seem to be a resistance to new technologies. And we can get why taxi drivers would be a bit angry given the threat autonomous vehicles pose to their jobs.

    Waymo seems a little miffed by the whole thing as well, going by the statement it put out.

    “Over the past two years, we’ve found Arizonans to be welcoming and excited by the potential of this technology to make our roads safer. We believe a key element of local engagement has been our ongoing work with the communities in which we drive, including Arizona law enforcement and first responders,” the company said.

  35. Honda Can’t Sell You A Self-Driving Car Yet, But How About A Robot ATV?

    Honda is gearing up to supply small, off-road robotic work vehicles that may come in handy for farms, construction sites and even firefighting.

  36. Uber Reportedly Warned of Self-Driving Car Crashes Before April Fatality

    Robbie Miller, head of the company’s self-driving truck operations, reportedly sent an email, just days before the fatal collision, which read in part, “The cars are routinely in accidents resulting in damage. This is usually the result of poor behavior of the operator or the AV (autonomous vehicle) technology.”

    The email went on to say that in February 2018, a car was “damaged nearly every other day” and that they shouldn’t be “hitting things every 15,000 miles.”

  37. Babcock Ranch gives self-driving car demonstrations

  38. 英特尔中国研究院院长宋继强:智能驾驶将长期人机共存


















  39. 主机厂不提“智能”就好像落伍了,沃尔沃也拉来了几家互联网公司做车机系统

  40. Starbucks adding delivery services to more than 2,000 stores via Uber Eats

  41. Waymo Set to Test Fleet of Self-Driving Cars in Peninsula Cities

  42. China’s BYD further drives into Chile with 100 electric buses

    Over the past few years, Chinese automaker giant BYD has been on a partnership spree with cities across China to electrify their public transportation systems, and now it’s extending its footprint across the globe. On Thursday, BYD announced that it has shipped 100 electric buses to Santiago, the capital city of Chile.


    One “heavily intoxicated” man who stopped a Waymo car from moving forward by standing in front of it was “sick and tired of the Waymo vehicles driving in his neighbourhood,” a police report stated.

  44. 阿里再次加码汽车后市场,智能洗车「驿公里」获 B 轮独家战略投资




  45. Proposed Self-Driving Car Legislation Now a ‘Long Shot,’ According to Republican Senator

    As it stands, opposition of the bill revolves around a purported lack of safety measures included in the draft, with supporters claiming this legislation could save lives, and that it would finally conquer a heap of regulatory obstacles that were created for human-driven vehicles in the first place. The push-and-pull between these two sides have created a kind of stalemate which, according to Thune, won’t be resolved before Congress adjourns.

  46. Worries about overlapping map technology used by councils and driverless cars

    The first was that if there was “a whole bunch of LiDAR systems working in the same area”, it could create “sweet spots”, where all the low-powered lasers could add up to something which could hurt or damage someone’s eyes.

    “This could be so rare that, practically speaking, it’ll never happen, or it could be a legitimate worry.”

    The other worry is if there were lots of self-driving vehicles in the future, a council’s surveying laser could “[hit] the car’s sensors” and possibly cause the car sensor to fail. There were also questions about the environmental sustainability of the driverless cars, Ralph said.

  47. 5G: a revolution not without risks

    With 5G, transmission speeds should accelerate sufficiently to allow for self-driving cars to take to the roads or for doctors to conduct operations remotely.

    The first reason is that more data and more types of data will be travelling across 5G networks. Much of the data transmitted by sensors could be sensitive, such as information about manufacturing processes that business rivals would be interested in acquiring. Or the data from our homes that could be gleaned to determine all sorts of things about us. The treasure chest of data for hackers is getting much, much bigger.

    A second reason is that an increased reliance on the mobile network means its disruption would have even more serious consequences, both in terms of safety and economic activity. A failure during a remotely guided operation could lead to the death of a patient or a crash of a self-driving car. A longer outage could disrupt an economy. This poses national security risks.