1. 收费公路条例修订案征集意见中:你会被多收过路费吗?




  2. 日产做回“技术宅”

    20 年研发,全球首款量产的可变压缩比发动机,这是如今日产做到的,是曾经萨博、标致等没能做到的。

    它有一个直观的名字 VC-TURBO,VC 代表 Variable Compression 可变压缩,TURBO 意指涡轮增压。今年早些时候,VC-TURBO 发动机随英菲尼迪 QX50 落户东风日产郑州工厂,现在又搭载于刚刚上市的日产第七代天籁(Altima),杀入更广阔也更激烈的中级车市场。

  3. 深入了解IPO前的Uber

    动态定价(Dynamic Pricing)创造流动性,成为了Uber商业模式的核心支柱之一。





  4. 两个月内三次降价,特斯拉在中国加速发力了?



  5. 互联网拯救还是拖累了国产车?

    J.D. Power从2000年开始发布中国新车质量研究报告,以PP100(百车故障数)为标准,量化新车的可靠性,算是中国汽车工业20年崛起历程的见证者,如果长时间观察他们的榜单,可以发现三个事实。




  6. 新能源车企抢收押金锁销量,明年补贴或再降30%

  7. An Update On The Autonomous Vehicle And Ride Sharing Trend

  8. Self-driving bus rides free of charge during trial operation in Taiwan’s Taichung

    TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – The Transportation Bureau of Taichung City Government announced Saturday in a news release that Taichung citizens are eligible to ride self-driving buses for free that run on Zhongke Rd. (中科路) under trial operation from now until Jan. 21, 2019.

  9. 盘点国内主流燃料电池商:都在做政府生意

  10. 奥迪牵手Luminar,计划2021年实现完全自动驾驶





  11. 36氪独家 国内首批L3级自动驾驶汽车将落地,「奥特贝睿」已与整车厂商达成量产计划

    36氪独家获悉,总部位于北京、成立于 2017 年的自动驾驶技术研发商「奥特贝睿(AutoBrain)」,已与长城汽车确定了 L3 级自动驾驶量产方案——这也是国内首个确定量产的 L3 级别自动驾驶前装。36氪已于近日前往奥特贝睿天津测试基地,体验了这款改装自年销量近 10 万台的长城 WEY VV7 自动驾驶汽车。

    试驾过程中,记者随测试车行驶到了附近的高速公路上,在 100 公里的时速下(最高可保持 120 公里时速),车辆完成了车道保持、自主超车、自动避障、上下匝道等 L3 必备功能,且自动驾驶模式的开启和关闭,可通过多功能方向盘的功能键完成,并附带语音提示。


    “We get asked, ‘When are we going to see these cars?’ My answer is, essentially, ‘It depends where you live,’” says Karl Iagnemma, Aptiv’s president of automotive mobility. “If you’re in Vegas today, you see them all over the place. Other cities, it’s going to be a long, long time.”

  13. Can a drunk driver be charged in a self-driving car?

    When the driver of a self-driving Tesla Model S didn’t stop after police put on their lights and sirens, the police realized that he was passed out at the wheel, which was traveling 70 miles an hour.

    Police pulled in front of the vehicle and then slowed down to an eventual stop, causing the Tesla to come to a stop. So can the guy sitting in the driver’s seat be charged with drunk driving if the car is driving itself?

    You betcha. Drunk driving laws say a person can be charged with drunk driving if he is in control of the vehicle while under the influence. He doesn’t have to be driving, which is why police regularly arrest people who are passed out in their cars with the keys in the ignition.

    No matter how good technology gets, there’s only so much you can do to prevent people from doing stupid and dangerous things behind a wheel, except to remind them that they’ll still face penalties.

  14. These were the 13 biggest car stories of 2018

  15. ofo这事吧,其实也挺好的


  16. 大国造船:惊涛骇浪四十年

  17. “菜鸟网络+蚂蚁金服”模式,「凡越」想做“汽车后市场”的阿里巴巴



    36氪最近接触的凡越供应链集团,是一家定位为中国汽车后市场零配件流通的基础设施服务商。目前为汽配贸易商,修理厂,货车主等提供“物流+金融+车服 ”的深度纵向服务。

  18. 一大坨泥巴正在移动,可能会切断铁路线

  19. 2018盘点:落地的自动驾驶汽车究竟跑在哪里?

  20. 摩拜沉默,ofo落泪:哈啰出行已完成40亿元融资





  21. 36氪专访 停简单CEO柳文超:产业互联网东风来袭,停车商业模式将如何进化





  22. What’s Apple’s Plan for Autonomous Driving?

    As of September, it had 70 autonomous driving vehicles on the road. To put that in comparison, Audi’s autonomous driving subsidiary, Autonomous Intelligent Driving, has just 12 cars on public roads in Germany.

    Thanks to filings from a criminal investigation against one of its former employees, we also learned that Apple has more than 5,000 employees who are working on or have knowledge of its autonomous driving project. Of that, almost 2,700 of them were considered “core employees” at the time in mid-2018.

  23. Self-driving vehicles to be tested against Scotland’s ‘wandering sheep’

    Self-driving vehicles will be put through their paces on single-track roads to see how they handle passing places and wandering sheep under ministers’ plans to trial them in Scotland’s “unique environments”.

  24. The Drive’s Guide to What to Expect in Transportation Tech in 2019

  25. 我心中真正的共享单车商业模式……


  26. 卡车司机们的公路人生

  27. 2018年网约车行业复盘:接连陷入整改,野蛮人频入局

  28. Automated vehicles can’t save cities

  29. ‘Society too complex for EU’s self-driving cars dream’

  30. Chinese lawmakers suggest planning for self-driving vehicle torts

    BEIJING, Dec. 27 (Xinhua) – Chinese lawmakers have suggested that the country’s legislation take into consideration possible tort liabilities raised by self-driving vehicles, to resolve future disputes.

    Wang Yanmeng, a member of the National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, said at a panel deliberation on a draft section on torts of China’s civil code Wednesday that the draft should plan for defining liabilities in traffic accidents caused by self-driving cars.

    “Given the rapid development of relevant technologies and the market, autonomous cars may hit the streets in the very near future, rendering the existing stipulations on traffic accident torts obsolete,” Wang said.

    Zhou Guangquan, vice chairman of the NPC Constitution and Law Committee, said the legislation needed to respond to the rapid progress of smart society and artificial intelligence.

    Ma Zhiwu, another NPC Standing Committee member, agreed that study and legislation was needed in advance.

    Also at the deliberation, lawmakers suggested more detailed and careful definition of punitive damages for environmental infringement cases, and making law enforcement and procuratorial agencies eligible to demand damages to better deter violations.

    Other suggestions at the deliberation included proper consideration of torts on the Internet environment.

  31. Self-driving car tech will soon help to judge gymnastics competitions

  32. 我在广州开车

  33. 汽车之家呛水记

    汽车之家媒体基因纯正。由于互联网广告天花板太低,为谋求更大发展空间,汽车之家一度离开“舒适区”,All in新车自营电商。



  34. 车市28年来首次负增长,谁在爆买进口豪车?

  35. 互联网汽车金融的2018:开放、洗牌与新大陆

  36. FlixBus is testing VR on certain routes to Las Vegas

    FlixBus, the low-cost tech-forward bus service out of Europe that launched in U.S. this year, has added a VR experience to some long-distance routes to and from Las Vegas.

    For now, the FlixBus VR feature, which includes about 50 virtual reality games and travel experiences, is limited to routes from Tucson, Phoenix, Los Angeles and San Diego. And it will run for three months.

  37. Why China could be first with self-driving carsWhy China could be first with self-driving cars

    The big picture: Sales of electric cars are growing quickly in China, where consumers are also open to innovations like car-sharing. By loosening regulatory guidelines and swinging open the door to autonomous vehicle testing, China is pulling away from other countries on disruptive new mobility initiatives, a recent study finds.

  38. Elon Musk Calls for More Testers Ahead of Tesla Full Self-Driving Launch

  39. The hype around driverless cars came crashing down in 2018

    Driverless cars seemed to reach peak hype some time in late 2017. Then in 2018, the industry plunged into the trough of disillusionment, with some people wondering if driverless technology might be decades away. But today’s extreme pessimism seems as unwarranted as the extreme optimism we saw a year ago. Maybe in 2019, the public will start to develop more realistic expectations for self-driving technology.

  40. The 10 Worst Self-Driving Stories of 2018

    1. Waymo “Driverless” Waymo One “Launch”

    2. Zoox “Drivered” Autonomous Vehicle Announcement

    3. Anthony Levandowski’s Pronto AI Comes Out Of Stealth

    4. The Boring Company Tunnel

    5. The Self-Driving CEO Shuffle

    6. Tesla Full Self Driving Pullback

    7. Audi Highway Pilot Delayed

    8. Uber Wait Times

    9. Electrek & The Tesla Fanbois

    10. Larry Ellison Joining The Tesla Board