1. 桥水基金:中国40年改革回顾

    我在这里不是说哪个系统更好。每种文化/系统都有其优点和缺点,我现在不想深入讨论。我认为重要的是要知道,虽然会有贸易战和贸易停战,但它们并不是最重要的事情。最重要的是:1)中国有一个长期以来运作良好的文化和制度,因此不应该有太大变化,2)美国也是相同的情况,3) 这些制度(以及其他国家的制度)将是竞争和合作共存,它们的表现如何将对全球局势产生深远影响,4)每个制度在实践中的运作情况将对每个国家未来的地位产生更大的影响,而不是它们相互打交道的条款,因此每个国家都应该好好检视自己的弱点,并提出改革来纠正它们,5)造就中国瞩目成就的文化和方法得到了许多尊重,6)我们应该很好地相互学习,合作和竞争,相互促进,而不是互相撕裂,7)中国是一个我们需要继续发展和投资的地方。

  2. 36氪首发「好汽配」获6000万美元C轮融资,时代资本、DCM领投

    36氪获悉,汽配B2B交易平台「好汽配」已完成 6000 万美元 C 轮融资,时代资本、DCM领投,XVC、SIG、俄罗斯投资人 Yuri Milner、国际私募基金 Access Industries 参与了本轮投资。棕榈资本担任本轮融资的财务顾问。

    好汽配创办于 2016 年,是一个面向汽修厂和汽配供应商的交易平台,为用户提供交易服务、物流仓配等基础设施服务。36氪曾报道,好汽配产品矩阵内包括多端线上交易 SaaS 系统、信用及支付工具,服务项目涵盖线下仓储及物流,并通过 SaaS 服务费、采购服务费、物流服务费等收费获得利润。

  3. Byton has added yet another screen to its upcoming all-electric M-Byte SUV

    Byton, the China-based electric car startup that made its debut at CES last year, is back to show what the finalized interior of its upcoming M-Byte SUV will look like.

    The giant 48-inch wraparound digital dashboard screen that received so much attention is staying. And so is the touchscreen drive tablet located at the center of the steering wheel — although its size and design has changed.

  4. Paving the way for self-driving cars

    Harvard Law School Professor Susan Crawford understands that the rise of autonomous vehicles will be no different. To properly prepare the students who will not only have to adapt to these technologies but someday help shape them, their education cannot happen in isolation either.

  5. DoorDash Begins Testing Self-Driving Cars For Food Delivery In SF

  6. 到底要修多少条地铁,早高峰才没那么挤

  7. 苹果无人驾驶计划的真相

  8. 等了5年,马斯克的梦想终于在中国落地,还上了《新闻联播》




  9. Amazon is getting more serious about Alexa in the car with Telenav deal

    Amazon today announced a significant partnership with Telenav, a connected car and location-based services provider. As part of the collaboration, Amazon’s voice assistant, Alexa, will now be part of Telenav’s in-car navigation systems.

  10. China’s Baidu says its answer to Alexa is now on 200M devices

    A Chinese voice assistant has been rapidly gaining ground in recent months. DuerOS, Baidu’s answer to Amazon’s Alexa, reached over 200 million devices, China’s top search engine announced on its Weibo official account last Friday.

  11. Audi spins out Holoride to put VR in every car

    “Car entertainment today is limited, you have small screens, people get sick. Here we’re expanding this potential,” Profendiner told TechCrunch before a demo at CES 2019. “We wanted to create something that benefitted from moving.”

    TechCrunch experienced what this VR future in the car might look and feel like. And it didn’t make either participant sick or nauseous. Part of the magic is that what users view through their VR headsets is matched with the movement of the vehicle.

  12. Torc Robotics and Transdev are launching autonomous shuttles to deliver people to public transit

    Self-driving technology company Torc Robotics is partnering with Transdev, the public transportation giant, to deploy fully autonomous electric shuttles designed to provide free connections to existing transit like trains and buses.

  13. Audi, Mobileye, Waymo, other top automakers unite to spread the self-driving gospel

    A number of major automakers, technology companies and organizations with a stake in autonomous vehicles, including Audi, Aurora, Cruise, GM, Mobileye, Nvidia, Toyota, Waymo and Zoox has formed a coalition to spread the word about advanced vehicle technologies and self-driving vehicles. Their message: this tech can transform transportation and make it safer and more sustainable.

    The Partners for Automated Vehicle Education, or PAVE, coalition was announced Monday at CES 2019 in Las Vegas. The aim of PAVE is educate the public and policymakers about the potential of automated vehicles.

    The group wants to educate the everyday consumer as well. So, it plans to sponsor hands-on workshops in partnership with SAE International to give people the chance to see, touch and feel developing AV technology.

    It will also hold policy workshops in partnership with academic institutions such as Stanford University’s Center for Automotive Research to help policymakers understand AVs and their potential.

  14. Robot delivery dogs deployed by self-driving cars are coming

    Let’s hope you’re not afraid of dogs, because if Continental gets its way, autonomous robot dogs are going to be delivering your packages. At the Consumer Electronics Show today, Continental unveiled its Black Mirror-esque vision for how driverless vehicles can autonomously deploy bots to facilitate last-mile deliveries.

  15. Uber’s IPO may not be as eye-popping as we expected

    Uber is expected to raise $10 billion later this year in one of the largest U.S. initial public offerings in history. The float will value the ride-hailing giant somewhere between $76 billion — the valuation it garnered with its last private financing — and $120 billion — a sky-high figure assigned by Wall Street bankers that’s had even early Uber investors scratching their heads.

    A new report from The Information pegs Uber’s initial market cap at $90 billion. To develop the estimate, the site analyzed undisclosed documents Uber provided creditors in 2017 “in which the company projected it would double net revenue to $14.2 billion by 2019,” ran revenue multiples and compared Uber to GrubHub, which investors say is the business’s closest comparison.

  16. We took a trip in a self-driving car and it was delightfully boring

    After a couple of minutes, though, the novelty wore off, because when technology works as it should, it’s delightfully boring. This is exactly the response Aptiv is looking for, too, telling us that the public’s often-skewed perception of autonomous vehicles - such as my dad’s - is one of the biggest obstacles the industry faces.

    Overall, the entire 15-minute ride was exceptionally smooth and there was no sudden and unnecessary braking, which Aptiv tells us wouldn’t have been the case in one of its last-gen vehicles demoed at 2018’s CES. Although I’m usually a nervous passenger, I’ve never felt safer on Las Vegas’ frantic roads; the robo-car performed as well, if not arguably better than any human would in the same situation: extra cautious, considerate and aware.

  17. PAVE

  18. 在意外来临时,自动驾驶系统会选择撞向谁?

    截至今天,世界上唯一一份提供官方自动驾驶汽车道德官方指导的文件是德国联邦运输及数字基础设施部门在2017年6月发布的《German Ethics Commission on Automated and Connected Driving》中文译名(暂):《德国道德委员会关于自动互联化驾驶的指导准则》(后简称《准则》)。




  19. 请回答,车联网2018

  20. 宝马接入“天猫精灵”,新智能产品10月量产 CES 2019

  21. Nvidia dives into a new business segment with Drive AutoPilot

    Nvidia’s automotive ambitions seemed targeted solely on creating a platform to enable fully autonomous vehicles, notably the robotaxis that so many companies hope to deploy in the coming decade.

    It turns out that Nvidia has also been working a more near-term product that opens it up to a different segment in the automotive industry. The company announced Monday at CES 2019 that it has launched Nvidia Drive AutoPilot, a reference platform that automakers can use to bring more sophisticated automated driving features into their production vehicles. This is not a self-driving car product, although it will likely be misinterpreted as such.

  22. Report: Self-driving car startup Aurora is raising capital at a $2B valuation

    Aurora, the developer of a full-stack self-driving software system for automobile manufacturers, is raising at least $500 million in equity funding at more than a $2 billion valuation in a round expected to be led by new investor Sequoia Capital, according to a Recode report. A $500 million financing would bring Aurora’s total raised to date to $596 million and would provide a 4x increase to its most recent valuation.

  23. 许家印贾跃亭和解背后:FF北京员工摇摆、挣扎、反转


  24. Apollo推企业版,但离给百度贡献规模化营收还远

    Apollo 1.0

    2017年7月5日,百度开放Apollo 1.0版本,开放了封闭场地循迹自动驾驶能力、自定位能力和端到端等数据,以及仿真引擎技术平台,Apollo仿真引擎使人们可以上传更多的路况,来给自动驾驶汽车提供训练数据。

    Apollo 1.0版本还处于早期阶段,只能实现封闭场景下的循迹自动驾驶。



    Apollo 2.0

    2018年1月,Apollo 2.0 推出,支持昼夜简单城市道路情况下的自动驾驶,包括云端服务、软件平台、参考硬件平台以及参考车辆平台在内的四个模块全部开放。首次开放产品安全服务,通过云端的安全 OTA、系统层级的防火墙以及硬件层级的黑盒子,来保障系统在运行时的安全。

    Apollo 2.5

    2018年4月19日,百度发布Apollo 2.5版本,具体更新有:增加了高速公路场景,提供了更低成本的传感器解决方案,支持乘用车、卡车、巴士、物流车、扫路车等多种车型,提供Dockerfile等五大开发工具。

    Apollo 3.0

    2018年7月5日,百度推出了Apollo 3.0版本,升级两大平台并发布四大量产方案。



    日本Nikkei日经新闻委托专利分析公司Patent Result进行的调查显示,截至2018年7月底,针对竞争力做的排名,“自动驾驶专利竞争力”前10名多半日本及美国包办。前四名分别是Waymo、丰田通用及福特,接来下是日产、博世、麦格纳、电装(DENSO)株式会社、本田、HERE等。中国企业排名包括滴滴、阿波罗等排名在百名左右。

  25. 特斯拉“撞死”机器人,是炒作还是事故?

    考虑到 Promobot 公司被人质疑新闻炒作的“前科”不止一次了,对于此次事件,外媒 electrek 和网友也怀疑这是 Promobot 公司操作的用力过猛的公关噱头。

    首先,除了工程师的测试车辆,特斯拉现在并没有“自动驾驶模式”,Caldera 本人其实所说的是 Autopilot(自动驾驶模式),但那只是“驾驶员辅助系统”,驾驶员一直要对车辆负责。其次,从上述视频看,Promobot 机器人很轻易就被撞倒,而且视频中也没有显示机器人是如何到达事故发生地点的。

  26. 老乡别跑,汽车家电下乡补贴来了!



  27. 停车APP为何在隐私与便捷之间如此难做抉择?

  28. 驾驶碰壁,炒作熄火:无人驾驶令人失望的 2018 年

  29. 汽车36人 优信戴琨:二手车广告有必要打得小孩都知道吗?

  30. Microsoft will help train LG’s self-driving car software

  31. 被“革了命”的代步车


  32. 航线补贴是好事还是坏事?



  33. 马斯克宣布:Roadster跑车配置火箭推进器 能够起飞

  34. 在特斯拉之前,电动汽车就已经诞生171年了

  35. 最前线 美团打车第三城春节后落地,这次选择在了郑州






  36. 36氪首发「MINIEYE」与 Xilinx 达成战略合作,共同研发 L0-L3 级自动驾驶感知方案

    36氪获悉,自动驾驶感知系统研发商「MINIEYE」已与 FPGA 芯片技术巨头 Xilinx(赛灵思)达成战略合作,共同研发满足 L0-L3 级自动驾驶需求的一站式感知解决方案(Turnkey Sensing Solution)。

  37. Top 10 Industries Transformed By Self-Driving Cars

  38. Experts try to define ‘safe’ for a self-driving vehicle

  39. 二胎家庭不爱7座车,MPV为什么未火先衰?


  40. 人人车败退:8500万美元与破灭的乌托邦



  41. 元胞自动机揭示交通瘫痪成因:车多路窄惹的祸

  42. 电动汽车想要爆发,必须有人“重新发明”电池

  43. World’s most valuable AI startup SenseTime unveils self-driving center in Japan