1. 携程20岁,赢在哪儿又错在哪儿


  2. Man’s $1,998 Camera Fried by Self-Driving Car Laser

    Self-driving cars widely use a technology called lidar (which stands for light detection and ranging) to “see” the world using laser pulses. These lasers are designed to be safe to human eyes, but it seems they may not always be safe for cameras. A man at CES in Las Vegas says that a car-mounted lidar permanently damaged the sensor in his new $1,998 Sony a7R II mirrorless camera.

  3. 1 秒卖出 700 张,春运车票有多少是靠「好友加速」买的?

  4. Testing times for second wave scooter startups

  5. 2019 CES: Quiet year for green-car and self-driving news

    At CES, this year’s discussions about future autonomy focused on more accurate and lower-cost sensor technologies and the use of artificial intelligence to provide greater safety benefits through greater deployment of assistive technologies.

    AUDI: Through the VR technology, backseat riders can immerse themselves in different universes that work together with the car and its infotainment systems and interior.

    Waymo CEO John Krafcik told England’s Financial Times that Level 5 autonomony, in which a car can drive itself anywhere under any conditions, might never be achievable in some types of bad weather.

    That goal is the Holy Grail for vehicle autonomy. So Krafcik’s caution came as a sobering statement from the head of a company widely acknowledged to be at the very forefront of developing autonomous technology.

  6. TuSimple takes fast lane in quest to perfect self-driving trucks

    TuSimple is hitting the accelerator on its effort to develop a fleet of self-driving commercial trucks in Tucson, adding trucks to meet early demand even before its trucks go fully autonomous.

    The San Diego-based company, which has operations in China and its main research and development center on Tucson’s southeast side, showed off its technology and updated its progress last week at the 2019 International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

    The company, which has more than 100 local employees and is planning to add some 500 over the next two years, says it already has 12 undisclosed contracted customers, “including Fortune 100 and large international companies.”

  7. I rode in a self-driving car for the first time, and it was operated by the Google of Russia — here’s what it was like

  8. As more self-driving technology launches, people are growing more anxious about the supposed benefits

  9. 吉利收购戴姆勒资金爆仓?真相到底几何

  10. 电驱系统会成为新能源汽车的下一个战场吗?





  11. 新能源乘用车赛道拥挤,「博雷顿」切入纯电动重卡市场,今年想量产2000台




  12. 卖车、做金融和打造生态:新造车回答盈利模式之问


    “我们的核心来自于汽车产品本身的盈利,从长期看,NIO Life(指蔚来的周边产品)也可以带来一定的回报,我们现在已经卖出了一百万份产品。”李斌告诉雷锋网新智驾,他认为20%多是一个很合理的毛利率水平。



    而对于特斯拉来说,情况则明显不同。根据特斯拉2018年三季度财报数据显示,三季度Model 3的毛利率超过20%。在此之前,小型汽车拆解公司Munro&Associates曾拆解一款当时售价5万美元的Model 3后,估计该款车的毛利率将超过30%



  13. 谁把捷豹路虎推下断崖?




  14. New FAA proposal would let drones fly over people and at night without a waiver

    Companies impatient to make drone deliveries a viable reality should have a win to celebrate soon. On Monday, Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao announced in a “sneak preview” that her department would move forward with plans to remove waiver requirements for two key drone operation circumstances: flying after dark and flying over populated areas.

    “First, at long last, the Department is ready to issue for comment a proposed new rule that would allow drones to fly overnight and over people without waivers, if certain conditions are met,” Chao said.

    Those conditions include the stipulation that the drone operator has received special night flying testing and training and that the drone be outfitted with lighting designed to prevent collisions visible for “at least 3 statute miles.”

    The second major change would allow drones to fly over people without a waiver if certain conditions are met. Those conditions are designed to minimize risk to anyone on the ground, including restrictions limiting device weight to .55 pounds. Drones over .55 pounds would be similarly allowed to operate over people if they meet a set of requirements to prevent serious injury, including the absence of “exposed rotating parts that could lacerate human skin.” This requirement is mostly open to interpretation — rather than stipulating specific build necessities, the FAA would allow drone makers to get creative so that a collision would be less severe than a particular injury threshold.

  15. Self-driving car startup Zoox gets a new CEO

    Self-driving car startup Zoox has selected its new CEO following the unexpected firing of co-founder and former CEO Tim Kentley-Klay in August. According to Zoox co-founder and CTO Jesse Levinson, he and the board of directors believed “that to take the company through the next stage and to scale the company, we thought finding someone would with executive and operational experience would be helpful to the company,” he told TechCrunch.

    That’s where, Aicha Evans (pictured above) comes in. Evans is Intel’s now-former chief strategy officer, and will join Zoox as CEO and member of the board of directors on February 26.

    Zoox’s long-term plan is to publicly deploy autonomous vehicles by 2020 in the form of its own ride-hailing service. The cars themselves will be all-electric and fully autonomous.

    While Zoox currently has clearance to operate Level 3 vehicles with passengers, it will need additional approval from the CPUC to operate its Level 5 vehicles without a safety driver on board.

    To date, Zoox has raised more than $750 million in venture funding.

  16. Hong Kong self-driving start-up AutoX in talks to raise US$100 million funding

    Hong Kong-based autonomous driving start-up AutoX is in talks with investors to raise a new round of funding to finance its research and development into self-driving cars.

    The company said it is in talks with investors about a new round of financing, months after the company piloted autonomous grocery delivery services in San Jose, California, in August. Last month, it received its first licence to test-drive self-driving cars in China. AutoX is understood to be looking to raise as much as US$100 million.

    Founded in 2016 by Xiao Jianxiong, a former assistant professor of Princeton University also known as “ Professor X ”, the alumnus of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology has built the company to “democratise autonomy” and make driverless technology universally accessible.

  17. Howes: Race to autonomous future far from starting line

    In a note in advance of the opening this week of the North American International Auto Show, Morgan Stanley predicts investors will “place greater emphasis on Auto 1.0/Macro vs. Auto 2.0 in 2019.” That’s because automakers’ ability to generate revenue and profit in a plateauing car and truck market is critical to their ability to invest in expensive technology.

    The arrival of Auto 2.0 in any meaningful way is a process measured in years, Pradhi said, perhaps even a decade or more. Autonomous “robo-taxis” operating in carefully defined, or “geo-fenced,” areas could be realized in as little as three or four years. A fully autonomous taxi could be at least a decade away — and then only operating in specific areas.

  18. Autonomous car makers readjust their sensors

  19. 马斯克是怎么成为中国人民的老朋友的



  20. 物流界最低调的“老大”重出江湖了





  21. 立得空间成立全资子公司「极智行」,发力自动驾驶高精地图技术

    为迎接自动驾驶时代来临,国内移动测量和实景三维技术的行业头部公司「立得空间」将自动驾驶高精地图的业务分立,并与旗下车联网平台公司秀友科技合并,成立了 B2B 商用地图服务全资子公司——「武汉极智行(GeekGoing)科技有限公司」。极智行将专注于自动驾驶高精地图技术的研发与应用,与立得空间形成“地图数据+服务平台”战略并协同发展。

    立得空间成立至今已近 20 年,是一家移动测量和实景三维技术研发商,主营业务包括移动测量、互联网地图与智慧城市三大板块,早期曾自研惯性导航及相关技术,且在地图领域有多年积累——相比于新兴高精地图商,极智行虽然刚刚成立,但立得空间在高精地图技术方面早有布局,也是国内 16 家拥有甲级导航电子地图资质的厂商之一。

    值得一提的是,立得空间在航空航天领域同样有所建树。今年 1 月 3 日,“嫦娥四号”探测器成功着陆月球背面,其使用的遥感影像降噪与纠偏、地形重建便由立得空间提供的技术支持。

  22. 逆势涨价得罪大客户,中国最大汽车网站市值两天蒸发100亿




  23. 在无人驾驶汽车普及之前,车联网都是扯淡

  24. 印度共享摩托车公司Vogo又融887万美元,这离Ola的 1 亿美元战投还不到一个月

  25. 恒大9.3亿美元并购NEVS,将推出全系列多品牌产品




  26. Riding the RV revolution, Outdoorsy fuels up with $50 million in fresh funding

    It’s easy to understand why investors are excited about Outdoorsy, which moved its headquarters from the Bay Area to Austin six months ago, partly to get closer to its base of customers, as well as to take advantage of attractive tax incentives. The company is capitalizing on a global trend of millennials who want to stay overnight at places other than hotels, which can be pricey and based in commercial districts that can’t provide the same experience of staying in a neighborhood.

  27. The Self-Driving Industry Is Finally Becoming More Realistic

  28. China’s Waymo rival quietly launched an Uber-style app for driverless cars, making it one of the first to do so

    Pony.ai, one of China’s most valuable driverless car start-ups, has launched an app that allows users to hail an autonomous taxi, making it one of the first companies to do so.

    he app, which was quietly launched in late December, allows a user to hail a self-driving taxi from a pre-set location in Nansha, which is part of Guangzhou in southern China. The car can travel to specific areas that have been set by the company such as its offices or residential areas.

    Currently, only employees and a few VIP users are using the app, which is a mini-program built within WeChat, China’s most popular messaging service. Rides are free for now.

    Pony.ai, a $1 billion firm co-located in China and the U.S., makes software to power driverless cars. It does not make the vehicle itself. Instead it has partnered with automakers including China’s BYD and GAC.

    Peng said the company will look to grow its fleet of cars from 20 to 100 this year.

    Peng, meanwhile, said Pony.ai is unlikely to expand its autonomous taxi service to large numbers of people this year. Eventually, though, the company wants to scale the program, which could win a new revenue stream and put it in competition with the likes of DiDi.

    “That type of service is the ultimate goal we want to reach. How that competitive landscape will look like (in the future) is too hard to tell,” Peng told CNBC.

    “Our ultimate goal is to provide rides, safe and convenient rides to the end user. It might take a long time, but that’s the ultimate revenue stream,” the CEO added.

  29. 新的一年,政策如何影响新能源汽车环境?

  30. 最前线 斑马发布首份驾驶行为报告:90后最守规矩,广东司机越夜越寂寞





  31. NVIDIA Resets The Self-Driving Bar Again With AutoPilot Supporting ‘Level 2+’

    NVIDIA’s first big announcement from the conference was the unveiling of DRIVE AutoPilot, which the company calls “the world’s first commercially available Level 2+ automated driving system,” which I believe is an accurate description. This will likely be very consumer impactful, given DRIVE AutoPilot’s cutting-edge AI technologies will allow supervised self-driving vehicles to go into production in 2020.

    Level 2 today encompasses many of the ADAS systems out there like Volvo’s Pilot Assist and Tesla’s AutoPilot. L2 ADAS systems can control steering, accelerating and braking at the same time but unlike L3, L2 drivers still need to keep their hands on the wheel. NVIDIA’s AutoPilot is an L2 “+” system. The “plus” enables features like Volvo’s upcoming 360 degree surround perception and driver monitoring systems, both which require deep learning.

  32. Ford, VW Partnering On Truck Projects And (Maybe) Electric And Self-Driving Cars

    Ford Motor Co. and Volkswagen AG confirmed Tuesday morning, the two automakers will work together to develop and produce medium-size pickup trucks and small commercial vans. In a joint conference call with reporters and industry financial analysts, Ford President and CEO Jim Hackett called the agreement “the next industry transforming event.” They also revealed plans to cooperate on electric and autonomous vehicles.

  33. Intel vet takes wheel of self-driving car startup Zoox

    Intel vet Aicha Evans will lead self-driving car startup Zoox from next month, becoming a rare high-profile black chief executive in a Silicon Valley.

  34. TuSimple Proceeds With Plans to Build World’s Largest Self-Driving Truck Fleet

    LAS VEGAS — Autonomous truck developer TuSimple said it will expand its U.S. test fleet to 40 vehicles by June, which the company claims will make it the world’s largest self-driving truck business.

    TuSimple, which currently operates 11 tractors in Arizona, also said it will begin hauling freight through New Mexico and into Texas early this year.

  35. 林肯求变

  36. 36氪首发 做商务和旅游出行的共享汽车平台,「领航员科技」获数百万元天使轮融资




  37. 自动驾驶开始“上路”,「智行者」获国内最高级别路测T3牌照




  38. 北京自动驾驶开放道路测试企业增至8家,车辆60辆

  39. 三大运营商车联网秘史:前10年轮流坐庄,5G决战开打

  40. How Lyft envisions bringing VR and AR to your ride

    Lyft is exploring ways to integrate virtual reality and augmented reality into your Lyft rides, according to a couple of patent applications TechCrunch came across today.

    The first, filed in July 2017, is for “providing a virtual reality transportation experience” that would respond to real-world forces and events that happen during your ride, like sudden stops, turns and bumps in the road. Over time, the VR system would be able to predict those bumps and turns in the road.