1. 数据揭秘:春运车票有多难抢?

  2. 在拥堵这事儿上,广州是如何甩开上海深圳的


  3. 马斯克发邮件解释特斯拉裁员:我们别无选择



    特斯拉CEO埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)对此表示,此次裁员旨在削减成本,从而让特斯拉能以更低的价格销售Model 3。

  4. 自动驾驶之路已走了多远?一文读懂研究现状

    近日,巴西圣埃斯皮里图联邦大学的研究者在 arXiv 上发布了一篇自动驾驶汽车研究情况总结,并简单梳理了产业界的进展。

    Self-Driving Cars: A Survey

  5. 别再把 Bose 当耳机公司了

    Bose 做了一套针对路面噪音的降噪方案,也叫 QC,叫 QuietComfort 主动路噪消减(RNC)技术。整套系统由四个三轴加速传感器,多个车内麦克风和一套BOSE独有的软件算法组成。传感器负责检测轮胎的运行状况,当感知到轮胎的震动幅度和频率之后,系统迅速计算出与将要产生的噪音相反的声学信号,并通过扬声器播放出来抵消噪音,安装在乘员附近的麦克风会检测车内的声音情况,对抵消噪音进行微调。

    2021 年会做量产,如果非要有个具体的评估数据,主动路噪消减(RNC)技术能直接降低 6 分贝以上的路面噪音。这个数据看上去不多,还有些抽象,活动结束后我查了些数据,这几乎已经是车内全部噪声的 10% 了。

    Bose 还在 CES 上面展示了一些新的研发进展,比如下面这个视频提到的 BassMatch 技术,通过与车企更为深度的合作,调整车内低音箱的位置,来优化整个车辆音响的声音输出。以及目前在凯迪拉克旗舰车型 ESCALADE 测试的多达 28 个扬声器的概念性至臻系列音响方案。

    而为了让车内听音乐这件事情更加便捷,Bose 甚至做了一套叫做 Axis 车内音乐控制交互,通过 app 的形式来整个设备内音乐,把所有的声音内容集中在一个 Bose app 内,控制方式类似于抖音,横向滑动是换同类的不同音乐,纵向滑是换 app 或者音乐种类,简单的交互比目前市面上很多车机的音乐控制做的都好。

    另一个更有意思的设备是 Bose Frames 现实增强眼镜,在 2017 年 3 月份的西南偏南大会上面 Bose 就展示过概念机版本,刚好在 CES 期间北美地区开售了消费者版本,我也第一时间购入了一台并做了一些小幅度改装,下周会给大家呈现个更为详细的上手测评。Bose 在 Frames 两侧的镜腿上加入了小扬声器,还给这款眼镜加入了陀螺仪以后期实现一些声音上面的“增强现实”。毫不夸张的说,这应该是我 2018 年到现在买过的最酷的新设备了。

  6. 焦点分析 智能时代,奇瑞如何养大一头“雄狮”

    在2010年,奇瑞就已经开始研发汽车智能互联技术,成为了国内最早研发智能网联技术的汽车企业之一。 在2018年4月,集成了它对于技术的思考,奇瑞就发布了最新的智能战略品牌“奇瑞雄狮”。



  7. 马斯克玩票:为Model S和X推升级版生化防御模式

  8. 特斯拉股价暴跌13%,它的2019年会好吗




    1月7日,特斯拉的超级工厂已经在上海临港产业区正式开工建设,一期年生产规模就已达到25万辆纯电动整车,包括Model 3、Model Y等系列车型,全部建成运营后年产能将达50万辆纯电动整车。或许熬过这段时光,特斯拉将迎来一个快速增长期。

  9. 自动驾驶:量产L3是“PPT”, L2才是现实

  10. 福特与大众联盟细节:不会交叉持股,不会合并



  11. 电动卡车竞争升级,自动驾驶还有多远?

    沃尔沃卡车自动驾驶产品总监Hayder Wokil表示, “我们的自动驾驶策略是缓慢推进,在为用户和社会带来价值的前提下,采用不同的自动化级别。最开始,沃尔沃卡车会在封闭的场景中进行,然后运用所获得发现再在公开道路上展开自动化。”



  12. 令人迷茫的汽车政策:放松的游戏规则与紧张的玩家

  13. 近百辆 Roadster 2 免费送,刚盈利的特斯拉丧心病狂了?

  14. 印度政府部门将首先试水弃用燃油车转向电动汽车

    印度财政部部长ArunJaitley和印度能源效率服务有限公司(EESL)签署额一项合作协议,后者将会提供15辆纯电动汽车供财政部官员使用,这些车辆将会以租赁的形式提供给该政府部门,租赁期限为五年。据悉,印度能源效率服务有限公司将会提供两款不同型号的电动汽车,分别是马恒达e-Veritos和塔塔集团的Tigor EV电动汽车。

  15. Sony venture arm invests in geocoding startup what3words

    Sony’s venture capital arm has invested in what3words, the startup that has divided the entire world into 57 trillion 3-by-3 meter squares and assigned a three-word address to each one.

    “what3words have solved the considerable problem of entering a precise location into a machine by voice. The dramatic rise in voice-activated systems calls for a simple voice geocoder that works across all digital platforms and channels, can be written down and spoken easily,” Sony Corporation’s senior vice president Toshimoto Mitomo said in a statement.

  16. Uber is exploring autonomous bikes and scooters

  17. Why Seattle should be wary of self-driving cars

    Myth 1: AVs will end traffic jams because the cars will be shared more, and their paths optimized.

    Traffic is a product of supply and demand. If roads get larger or less jammed, driving becomes more attractive because it is easier, and people drive more. This is called induced traffic or traffic generation. The opposite is also true with reduction of roadway. When San Francisco removed the elevated freeways on the Embarcadero, that traffic use just disappeared from the city.

    Myth 2: Autonomous vehicles will be commonplace in a few years.

    In 2018, an Uber AV going 40 miles per hour struck and killed a pedestrian, and Uber immediately suspended its entire AV program. In 2016, despite 40,000 Americans (537 of them in Washington) being killed by human drivers, uproar over that was quite limited. Thus, the safety standard expected of computer-driven cars by the public is currently 40,000 times stricter than for human-driven vehicles. Allowing AVs is essentially asking a zero-tolerance public to allow the operation by computers of known lethal (unintentional) weapons in a roadway system that currently cannot stop 109 motor vehicle fatalities per day. This will take a while to change. The smartphone was adopted quickly, but it wasn’t a device that prior to rollout was already a leading cause of death for Americans.

    Myth 3: AVs will usher in a panacea of walkable, healthy and vibrant cities, and end — or dramatically reduce — the need for mass transit.

  18. Too lazy to get groceries? This self-driving car will bring a tiny supermarket to you.

    the San Francisco startup Robomart is bringing Stop & Shop groceries to Boston-area customers. You summon the self-driving vehicle and a selection of grocery items are brought to you. Now you can squeeze every avocado and pick the one that’s just right.

  19. Too buzzed to drive? Don’t worry — this autonomous car-bar will drive to you

    Whether it’s Netflix’s promise of streaming video or the rise of on-demand robot delivery companies, it’s no secret that the tech world is all about services on tap. Taking that idea literally is the startup Makr Shakr, a self-driving robot bar that promises to (quite literally) let you summon up a perfectly mixed cocktail wherever you are. While it’s still only a concept right now, the “Guido” barmobile will one day let users place and pay for their complex beverage order by app, and then have a robot mix it — all without having to interact with another person.

  20. New self-driving features are about to make the road safer for terrible drivers

    But the next level of autonomy is essentially Autopilot on steroids. Daimler showed this off at CES with its new trucks that can auto-brake, self-steer, turn on windshield wipers, and gradually bring the car to a complete stop — basically drive without you. But you can’t actually go anywhere. The system will warn you if your hands are off the wheel for too long.

  21. Uber reportedly investigating Instagram videos showing inappropriate contact between drivers, passengers

  22. We spoke to a Waymo One customer about how robot taxis get confused by rainstorms

    Inclement weather, and rain specifically, poses another problem. Metz said he hailed a Waymo vehicle during a recent rainstorm, and when he got in, discovered that the company’s human monitor was driving the car manually.

  23. Aurora self-driving startup worth $2 billion after new investment

  24. 拼多多一夜被薅200多亿?

  25. 宝沃败局

  26. 2018年汽车销量下滑在哪儿了?

  27. 无人驾驶公司Roadstar,发公告把联合创始人开除了







  28. Roadstar全体投资人发声明:反对联合创始人周光被开除

  29. ‘Anti-Uber’ taxi strikes kick off again in Spain

    Taxi drivers in major cities in Spain are on strike again to apply pressure for more stringent regulations to control app rivals such as Uber and Cabify which they view as unfair competition.

    In Barcelona, the strike was called after the Catalan government announced proposals for regulating the vehicle for hire (VTC) sector which include a 15 minute wait time between a passenger booking and being able to take a ride.

    The taxi drivers want the wait time to be much longer than that; at least 24 hours.

  30. Do you know you are training Google self-driving cars so they don’t kill people? Yes, by solving captcha

  31. 2019: the year self-driving vehicles shift up a gear?

  32. Full speed ahead for motor insurers on the legal road to self-driving cars

    The government has set 2021 as the target for this new mode of transport to enter commercial use, and it has also said that it wants the UK to be “at the forefront” of this cutting-edge technology – there is clearly an abundance of ambition and intent.

    One of the major, and as yet open, questions, however is this: how do we adequately insure an industry which projections indicate will be worth £28bn in 17 years’ time? How do you establish liability if an autonomous car hits a pedestrian? Or, for that matter, who’s insured? It falls on the motor insurance industry to answer these questions, as well as make sure that their products support this new technology, create confidence in it, and meet consumers’ changing needs.

    At present, motor insurance is taken out by the driver, for the driver. Given that 90 per cent of road traffic accidents are induced by driver error, it would almost be illogical to think otherwise. But removing the driver from the equation creates a new and previously unencountered conundrum – who is at fault in the event of a crash? The “driver” (who wasn’t driving), or the car, or even the manufacturer?

    The automation process complicates this issue further. Autonomous cars are currently equipped with so-called level three automation, meaning that they hand back control to a human when confronted with situations that they aren’t capable of handling. In the event of a crash, deducing who is legally responsible is an intricate, nuanced, and fact-specific procedure.

    Legislation passed last summer has left insurers caught in the crossfire. Regardless of whether an accident is caused by a careless driver, or perhaps a fault in the car’s software, no one involved will be required to defend or prove their innocence. Instead of the driver or manufacturer, the insurer will be held liable, and claims will be made against them directly.

    The arrival of self-driving cars on our roads will be a catalyst for the creation of not just a fresh component of the automotive sector, but will also demand an entirely new approach to insurance. This sector, however, may be left without both established underwriting actuarial experience and the granular data synonymous with other parts of the insurance world.

    Be it information on vehicle specifications or post-crash reports, the ability to access this data will be fundamental to the future success of the industry. Though careful consideration will need to be given to how that data is stored and accessed (especially given the potential for real conflicts between the right to privacy and the need for information), if done correctly the benefits for insurers could be enormous. From being able to more accurately assess risks to reducing fraudulent claims, insurers will be able to prepare for problems before they manifest themselves.

    The question remains though, are insurance companies really capable of dealing quite so nimbly in data as the tech giants do? Historically, insurance has been slow to digitise. Claims have only been handled online as standard in very recent years, for example.

    A much more radical approach is needed, with close collaboration between insurers and manufacturers. There are, however, already positive signs of this approach being taken.

    To overcome this, some firms have acquired either technologies or tech providers as a whole, while others have piled their efforts into modernising legacy systems to cope with the sheer volumes of information.

    Whatever the approach, insurers everywhere have to work hard to be prepared. But, thanks to their underwriting expertise, insurance models, and decades of experience, traditional insurers who do this work have the power to stay out in front.

    Is it possible to imagine a future that is free from traffic accidents? Probably not any time soon, so compulsory motor insurance will likely stick around for some time.

    The future of automotive transport is set to change immeasurably inside the next decade. But whatever form these changes subsequently take, insurance products must be designed with shifting legislative and commercial developments constantly front of mind for years to come. Only then can self-driving cars shift up into fifth gear.

  33. 新能源汽车高速发展背后:召回率达13%,三年车龄贬值过半




  34. “AR 导航”:车载导航的下一个风口?

    比如百度在去年的世界大会上展示了自己基于 HUD 的 AR 导航功能,高德和达摩院各自发挥优势研发了一款 AR 导航,Marvel X 因为搭载了斑马开发的 AR-driving,成为了目前市面上第一款带 AR 导航功能的量产车。

    此外,大陆、伟世通、松下等供应商以及国内外一系列初创企业也在共同发力,比如 WayRay、Navdy、Futurus 等。

    1. 成本很难控制

    目前运用在 HUD 上的投影技术主要有:LCD 投影、DLP 投影、激光扫描投影以及 LCOS 投影。

    这四种技术投影效果一个比一个好,但成本也是一个比一个高。拿 LCOS 投影来说,仅有部分工程试验 HUD 产品采用了这一技术;有些产品用 DLP 投影,厂商的心都在滴血;更多产品都采用 LCD 投影。


    1. 光学问题

    困难之一就是“虚拟图像距离”。一般 HUD 的虚拟引导图像和道路并不在一个平面,需要我们自己去调整这其中的焦距,虽然不用低头,但频繁调整角度也会让人觉得疲劳。而且我们开车有时候需要前方 10 米甚至 20 米的情况,目前能很好达到这一标准的产品却很少。

    另外,由于 AR HUD 是通过虚拟影像和实际道路结合来展现实时导航信息,因此用户的视角变化也会导致成像信息和路面的匹配度出现问题。目前行业内比较主流的解决方案是通过车内的摄像头捕捉驾驶员面部来进行实时匹配,这个方案也有不小的难度。

    1. 呈像质量


    1. 高温和散热

    HUD 无论前装后装一般都布置在仪表盘前方,完全暴露在太阳底下,同时高亮度投影自己也需要大光源支持,也会增高温度。如何应对高温、合理散热是个难题。而对于车规级要求来说,温度、稳定性等等都是必须优先解决的问题。

    1. 集成度


  35. 首条“智路”项目开通试运行,华人运通布局自动驾驶基础设施


    根据官方介绍,在技术支持上,“智路”项目通过“路端感知、云端调度、车端控制”来进行运作,实际应用的场景为交通情况复杂多变的城市道路,主要覆盖高架路、匝道、高架下辅路、十字路口等路况。此外,发布会上,华人运通还推出了基于超体智能架构HOA(Human Oriented Architecture)研发的三大产品平台——自动驾驶平台H.H Pilot、自动泊车平台H.H Parking、车路协同平台H.H RSA-C。


  36. 一汽解放发布“哥伦布”计划,欲打造智能物流体系






  37. 共享电动车这阵风,在印度刮起来了

  38. Self-driving cars coming to Ireland next year

  39. Govt should develop legal system public can accept for self-driving

  40. Holoride creates carsickness-battling VR experience for self-driving-car passengers

    German start-up Holoride has designed a virtual-reality experience for the backseats of taxis, for passengers in autonomous vehicles or for kids on long car trips.

    Holoride’s games and visualisations provide entertainment that’s specifically tailored to passengers, incorporating the car’s real-time movements, such as acceleration and steering.

  41. Aptiv, Lyft use latest tech on self-driving fleet in Las Vegas

  42. Google self-driving spinoff Waymo to put factory in Michigan

    Google’s self-driving car spinoff Waymo said Tuesday it will bring a factory to Michigan, creating up to 400 jobs at what it describes as the world’s first plant “100 percent” dedicated to the mass production of autonomous vehicles.

    The company plans to spend about $13.6 million to retrofit a to-be-determined manufacturing facility in the Detroit area. In exchange, it will get a state incentive grant worth up to $8 million that was approved Tuesday by the Michigan Strategic Fund Board.

  43. 一个悲情的春运时代正在远去

  44. 2018,新能源汽车业的逆势翻盘

  45. 途歌交不出“网费”了


  46. 王兴“消灭”摩拜



  47. 易到股权遭大股东半价甩卖,公司称明日司机提现时间不变



  48. 极光大数据:揭秘2019年共享汽车行业五大发展趋势








  49. Uber Rewards is rolling out; here’s how the perks work

    Did you blow enough money on Uber to get Diamond status? A lot of users are finding out tonight as Uber rolls out its rider loyalty Rewards program to San Francisco and a slew of other cities. The feature calculates how much you’ve spent on Uber and Uber Eats in the last six months and awards you perks like no-fee cancellations if you rebook, guaranteed prices between your two favorite spots and free car upgrades. Uber confirms to TechCrunch that Rewards will roll out to the entire U.S. soon, but is now available in 25 places across the country.

  50. Where is Waymo planning to build its self-driving cars?

    Answer: Michigan.

    Google’s self-driving car spinoff announced its plans for an autonomous vehicle factory in Michigan Tuesday. The facility, which Waymo says will be the first of its kind, will be dedicated entirely to the production of Level 4 autonomous vehicles. This is just one step below full automation, meaning that at Level 4, the car drives itself but will still have a steering wheel and pedals so a human can drive when necessary.

  51. [Minister of transportation announces regulation changes for self-driving cars](https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/minister-of-transportation-announces-regulation-changes-for-self-driving-cars-1.4264291

    Minister of Transportation Jeff Yurek announced changes to self-driving car regulations at the University of Waterloo on Tuesday morning.

    The province will now allow “level three” autonomous cars on the roads.

  52. The Argo AI Diaries Part 1: How I Crashed My Ford In The Garage Of A Self-Driving Car Company

  53. 苹果公司也开始裁员:自动驾驶“泰坦”团队200人被裁撤或转岗

    据外媒报道,知情人士称,苹果本周从其隐秘的自动驾驶汽车项目“泰坦计划”(Project Titan)解雇了200多名员工。



    2018年8月,苹果聘请特斯拉工程副总裁、苹果前高管道格-菲尔德(Doug Field)与鲍勃-曼斯菲尔德(Bob Mansfield)一起领导泰坦项目。在苹果内部,该团队本周的裁员被视为新领导上任后可预期的调整活动。


  54. 为何用不锈钢造太空飞船,马斯克:好用、便宜

    据大众机械杂志报道,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)不久前曾发推文,宣称星际飞船(Starship)将由不锈钢材料制造,而不使用碳纤维。据我们所知,这标志着自20世纪50年代后期Atlas项目的失败尝试以来,不锈钢材料首次被用于航天器制造方面。

  55. 清退潮下的网约车司机:转型当陪练,开会务车,考证难



  56. 特斯拉缩短Model S/X生产时间,股价跌近4%


  57. 当出行独角兽开始“觊觎”两轮自动驾驶

    在几天前的一场机器人会议上,Uber就宣布了一件大事——成立“微动力机器人”(micromobility robotics)团队,研发拥有自动驾驶技术的电动踏板车和自行车。

  58. 百万梦想与兄弟反目成仇:起底车智汇7级金字塔经销模式

  59. 摩拜失去了灵魂,现在它又失去了姓名



  60. Whim, the all-in-one mobility app for ridesharing, public transit and rentals is coming to the US

    MaaS Global, the company behind the all-in-one mobility app Whim, which offers a subscription service for public transportation, ridesharing, bike rentals, scooter rentals, taxis or car rentals, will be making its U.S. debut later this year.

  61. Why the world’s first smart highway will most likely be in China

  62. Waymo & Magna Will Produce Self-Driving Vehicles At Michigan Factory

  63. PHOTOS: Self-driving cars opening window to re-imagining design, use of interiors

  64. 清华大学人工智能研究院成立知识智能研究中心并发布知识计算开放平台




  65. 清华张钹院士:走向真正的人工智能

  66. 清华知识智能研究中心

  67. 中国的景区门票,是真的贵

  68. 复盘:从汽车产业史告诉你燃料电池概念为啥能这么疯

  69. 洗车只能是车后市场的流量入口?智能洗车公司「大盒子」想把洗车做成挣钱的生意



  70. Waymo的“狂飙之路”



    2、新工厂由密歇根经济发展组织(Michigan Economic Development Corporation,MEDC)批准设立,MEDC 将为Waymo提供 800 万美元的补贴,而工厂总投资预计为 1360 万美元,前期招聘100名运营人员,到2025年将新增400个工作岗位。

    3、新工厂并不是传统意义的制造厂,而是一座改造工厂,用于改造Waymo此前购买的62000 辆菲亚特-克莱斯Pacifica 混合动力车和20000辆捷豹路虎i-Pace纯电汽车。


  71. 车载智能系统的平台之争里,谷歌要搭建融合系统兼容车内外两个世界


    它基于 Android p,比现有版本的 Android Auto 要先进得多,后者只是简单地将手机界面投射到汽车的信息娱乐屏幕上。 因此,新的系统被认为是一个更强大的解决方案。实际上,这些系统是建立在 Android 的分支(和非常老的)版本上,没有得到谷歌的太多帮助,但之后可能发生变化。

  72. Self-driving cars, robots: Identifying AI ‘blind spots’

    A novel model developed by MIT and Microsoft researchers identifies instances in which autonomous systems have “learned” from training examples that don’t match what’s actually happening in the real world. Engineers could use this model to improve the safety of artificial intelligence systems, such as driverless vehicles and autonomous robots.

  73. Is 2019 the Year of the Self-Driving Car? The State of Autonomous Vehicles 2018-2019

  74. Could 5G Be the Missing Puzzle Piece for Self-Driving Cars?

  75. Jaguar Land Rover uses light to tell pedestrians where self-driving cars are going