1. 在美国乘坐无人驾驶卡车是一种怎样的体验?



  2. 焦点分析 滴滴做不了的顺风车生意,哈啰出行能做成吗?






    春节 + 竞争对手受管制

  3. Self-Driving Trucks Will Always Need People

    远程驾驶 + 5G

  4. A Waymo employee reveals what it’s like to create the unique voice of self-driving cars

    Imagine that you’re sitting in a Waymo One self-driving Chrysler Pacifica minivan in the Phoenix area, enjoying your autonomously piloted ride, when the vehicle makes a turn you didn’t expect.

    This is nothing new for anyone who has ever hailed a taxi. In New York, where I work, if a cabbie takes a route I disagree with, I can immediately start a conversation about why we should go my way. And for now, Waymo One has human monitors at the wheel.

    But the company’s plan is to transition to a fully driverless service. No one behind the wheel. Instead, a screen for passengers to use for interactions with the technology.

    “We started to think to think about how we would communicate how we could interact better with people,” Knox said. “We knew that we had to have components of a customer support organization.”

    The way it works is that if an issue arises in a Waymo vehicle, assuming there is no human driver, a passenger would press a button in the vehicle to connect with an agent. (Currently, passenger concerns expressed to the human monitoring the system in the driver’s seat can be referred to the Rider Support team.)

    一个39人的团队,负责关注Waymo运行过程中的乘客的顾虑。Waymo one确实是进入商业运营测试阶段。这种运营是把自动驾驶当作出行方式来寻找问题,而不是仅关注软硬件问题在哪。在这种“新出行”中,乘客有什么顾虑(出行费用多少?时间多快?走哪条路?自动驾驶系统是否关注到了环境的情况?),如何与乘客交互(显示屏,语音等)。突然想到,也许在玻璃上框出环境的情况是自动驾驶很好的交互,被框出的行人,说明自动驾驶系统理解了这个行人的情况。

  5. Automated vehicles open way to slash cost of road congestion

    “There are several ways that automated vehicles can reduce congestion, but the main one is that it would allow cars to safely travel more closely together,” he will say in a speech to the Cities Symposium in western Sydney.


  6. Waymo首席科学家MIT开讲:驯服自动驾驶的长尾挑战【PDF+视频】


  7. 特斯拉Model 3国内终交付,马斯克称2020年实现完全自动驾驶




  8. 光靠跑数据是不够的,长沙智能研究院(CIDI)要用“车路协同”让无人卡车真正上路







  9. BMW makes interacting with your car’s AI systems more natural

    This new system, dubbed BMW Natural Interaction, will launch in the 2021 BMW iNEXT electric SUV.

    The company promises that this technology will allow for more intuitive interactions with the car’s systems. If you’re in a conversation, for example, you may want to use a gesture and gaze control to turn down the volume, open the sunroof or adjust air vents. But if you are driving down the autobahn at 220kmh, you may want to use your voice instead.


  10. Ford partners with geocoding startup what3words

    Under the partnership, drivers will be able to connect to the free what3words app — on an iOS or Android device — to their vehicle via their SYNC 3 infotainment platform. Drivers can find the three-word address on website contact pages, guidebooks and business cards. Drivers can enter the addresses via voice or text input and receive directions through the vehicle’s navigation system.


  11. 最前线 Uber断臂印度外卖业务,IPO前要止损开源

    Uber计划将Uber Eats在印度的外卖业务出售给对手Swiggy,目前双方协商正在进行。此次交易以股权交换的形式进行,Uber将获得其10%的股份,交易或将在接下来的几周完成。对此消息,Swiggy和Uber暂不予回应。



    据印度《经济时报》,Uber某高管消息称,其印度外卖业务每月成交的900万订单中,公司需投入 2500 万美元。值得注意的是,Uber在印度的外卖并不设起送价,每单业务中仅抽取0.23美元的利润,在同等价位下,比英国所收取的30%佣金低得多。


  12. Elon Musk has until March 11 to respond to SEC contempt motion

    Tesla CEO Elon Musk has until March 11 to explain why he should not be held in contempt for violating a settlement agreement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


  13. Here’s why you’re getting all those sweet Uber and Lyft discounts

    In its final weeks as a private company, Lyft is reaching for every inch of the rideshare market it can get.

    According to a report from The Information, Lyft’s discounts were extended to roughly one-third of riders’ recent trips and helped Lyft gather an additional 4 percent of the U.S. rideshare market. Lyft now holds 34 percent of the market, while Uber claims the remaining 66 percent. The additional percentage points will give Lyft a leg up as it launches its road show, the final step ahead of its Nasdaq IPO, expected in April.

    Devoted Uber riders may have noticed discounts, too. The competing ride-hailing giant also unleashed a hefty dose of discounts to keep riders on its app. Uber, of course, is also in IPO registration, expected to debut on the public markets in the first half of 2019, likely one or two months after Lyft.


  14. Report says VW to invest $1.7 billion in Ford self-driving unit Argo

    Volkswagen will invest around $1.7 billion in Ford’s self-driving subsidiary Argo, according to a new report.

    It’s unclear at this point how this proposed partnership would affect Volkswagen’s partnership with self-driving startup Aurora, which was announced in January 2018. Volkswagen reportedly tried to buy Aurora outright later in 2018, but was rebuffed.

    Aurora recently announced that it secured $530 million in financing from the likes of Amazon, Sequoia, and others. It appears Volkswagen may now be considering a different self-driving route.


  15. Model 3开始在中国大量交付,造梦者马斯克又要启航火星了

    2月22日凌晨的冷雨中,一艘载有1837辆特斯拉纯电动车的滚装船“晨蝶号(Morning Cindy)”靠泊上海外高桥港区的海通国际汽车码头,其中包括最新款的特斯拉Model 3型车。这是用于客户交付的特斯拉Model 3车辆首次大规模到达上海港。

    一个多月前的1月7日,上海有史以来最大的外资制造业项目——特斯拉超级工厂在临港产业区正式开工建设。马斯克要在上海超级工厂建造一款“真正实惠”的Model 3。有分析人士称,一旦特斯拉Model 3全部本土化之后,将免去关税门槛,减少进口关税,仅有16%的增值税,其售价很可能在30万元以内。


  16. Apple self-driving car layoffs hit 190 employees in Santa Clara, Sunnyvale

    Apple will lay off 190 employees in Santa Clara and Sunnyvale in its self-driving car division, the company said.

    The layoffs were disclosed, along with new details, in a letter this month to the California Employment Development Department. CNBC reported last month that layoffs were occurring in the self-driving car division, known as Project Titan. Tom Neumayr, an Apple spokesman, confirmed that the letter to the state referenced the same layoffs.

    Most of the affected employees are engineers, including 38 engineering program managers, 33 hardware engineers, 31 product design engineers and 22 software engineers. The layoffs will take effect April 16, according to the filing.


  17. 宁德时代这波全球化操作,我打80分




  18. 瓜子母公司“开着”二手车从软银那儿拉来了15亿美金


    2019年2月28日,瓜子二手车、毛豆新车网母公司车好多集团正式宣布,已完成15亿美元新一轮融资,投资方为软银愿景基金(SoftBank Vision Fund)。






  19. 特斯拉周五需支付9.2亿美元债务,或陷入现金危机



    特斯拉还有其他压力需要应对。在2018年最后一个季度,特斯拉将1.8亿美元的Solar City债务推迟至1月,然后再推至2019年4月,并选择支付更高的利率。

    主要还是得创新,昨天大家都在等着Model Y,说明对特斯拉还是抱有期望的。就像等苹果新款一样,但是如果出得太慢,就会错过时机了。

  20. 真正的共享:Uber和Lyft计划给部分司机股权参与IPO盛宴

    据华尔街日报报道,打车服务公司Uber和Lyft 计划为部分司机提供参与自家公司IPO的机会。




  21. The $35,000 Tesla Model 3 has arrived — but it comes with a price

    The long-awaited $35,000 Tesla Model 3 has finally arrived, three years after CEO Elon Musk promised to bring the electric vehicle to market at that price point. But that cheaper Model 3 comes with a dramatic shift for Tesla.

    Tesla said that to achieve this lower price it will shift all sales globally to online only, meaning the company will be closing many of its stores over the next few months. The stores that remain, in high-traffic locations, will be turned into information centers, Musk said on a call with reporters. There will be some layoffs as a result. Musk later said they would be hiring more service technicians.


  22. BMW, Daimler to partner on self-driving tech development

    BMW and Daimler announced on Thursday that the two are planning a “long-term strategic cooperation” covering autonomous tech. The two will focus on boosting driver-assist systems first, largely focused on highway-driving assistance and automated parking. The hope is that these systems will reach the market by the mid-2020s.


  23. How to Prepare Students for Jobs in the Self-Driving-Car-Industry

    That is for engineer, but not necessary for other AV Jobs

  24. 让高铁的时速,超过600公里吧!


  25. 特斯拉终于推出了基础版Model 3,售价3.5万美元

    据外媒报道,特斯拉终于推出了它承诺已久的售价3.5万美元(约合人民币23.4万元)的基础版Model 3。

    这实现了伊隆-马斯克(Elon Musk)早在2006年发布的“绝密总体规划”。

    该汽车制造商现在正在生产几个新版本的Model 3,它们具有更短的行驶里程和新的内饰选择。

    特斯拉介绍称,Model 3基本版能达到220英里的续航里程,最高时速为130英里,并能在5.6秒内从0英里加速到60英里每小时。


3. 一个万亿美元规模的出行市场新机遇
