1. Transport poverty and subjective wellbeing

    Findings: Transport poverty lowers subjective wellbeing.

    Data: 12 waves of the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey.

    Comments: 我们经常说“诗和远方”,幸福感与你能不能自由自在地移动相关。

  2. MGu T, Kim I, Currie G. Measuring immediate impacts of a new mass transit system on an existing bike-share system in China[J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2019, 124: 20-39.

    Findings: Most SPBS ridership and users within the metro’s catchment (the treatment group) have largely increased since the introduction of the M4, while non-commuting cycling increased more than commuting cycling. The exception happens in metros’ hub, where SPBS ridership slightly decreased after M4. As for SPBS trip-pattern, before M4 was introduced, trip-pattern in CBD areas in Gusu District is found to be partially imbalanced (high returning in the morning and high renting in the evening), while balanced pattern (similar returning and renting in morning and evening) is more often seen in other areas. After M4 was introduced, a general trip-pattern change from the balanced to the imbalanced is observed regardless of land use, except for educational land use existing in Wuzhong District. This further indicates that after new metros was introduced, SPBS tends to serve “first-mile” interchange (origins to metros) rather than “last-mile” interchange (metros to destinations) in the morning and vice versa in the evening regardless of land use type. This unique pattern could lead to different policy and management in enhancing interchanging service between BS and mass transit.

    Comments: 现有两个交通系统的互相影响,有点意思。

  3. Donais F M, Abi-Zeid I, Waygood E O D, et al. Assessing and ranking the potential of a street to be redesigned as a Complete Street: A multi-criteria decision aiding approach[J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2019, 124: 1-19.

    Works: the current decision-making processes in transportation projects do not always explicitly take into account sustainable transportation requirements and often ignore concerns that may arise in other fields such as environmental protection, health, or urban design. The proposed framework in this paper aims at integrating sustainability in a decision-making process by creating better collaboration and communication between professionals of such disparate fields.

    Comments: 城市规划的决策支持系统。

  4. Markou I, Kaiser K, Pereira F C. Predicting taxi demand hotspots using automated Internet Search Queries[J]. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2019, 102: 73-86.

    Works: Event (by Internet search queries) to predict demand

    Comments: 和我想做的事情挺像的。

  5. Iskander, Julie, Mohammed Attia, Khaled Saleh, Darius Nahavandi, Ahmed Abobakr, Shady Mohamed, Houshyar Asadi, Abbas Khosravi, Chee Peng Lim, and Mohammed Hossny. “From Car Sickness to Autonomous Car Sickness: A Review.” Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 62 (2019): 716–26. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trf.2019.02.020.

    Findings: A customisable solution is the only viable solution to mitigate motion sickness.

    Comments: 标题就很有意思。晕车是个大问题。

  6. Useche S A, Montoro L, Sanmartin J, et al. Healthy but risky: A descriptive study on cyclists’ encouraging and discouraging factors for using bicycles, habits and safety outcomes[J]. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2019, 62: 587-598.

    Findings: This study addressed encouraging and discouraging factors influencing cyclists’ decision to use the bike. Physical health, environmental sustainability and economy were the main factors encouraging cycling. Perceived crash risk, adverse weather conditions and lack of safety were found to be the most relevant discouraging factors.

    Comments: 该不该骑自行车。

  7. Tseng C M, Chau S C K, Liu X. Improving viability of electric taxis by taxi service strategy optimization: A big data study of new york city[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2018 (99): 1-13.

    Findings: The profitability of electric taxi drivers is studied empirically under various battery capacity and charging conditions.

    Comments: 电动车情形下的出租车运营。

  8. Sovacool B K, Abrahamse W, Zhang L, et al. Pleasure or profit? Surveying the purchasing intentions of potential electric vehicle adopters in China[J]. Transportation Research Part A Policy and Practice, 2019.

    Findings: Social motivations are positively related to intentions to adopt electric vehicles. However, public charging infrastructure is unrelated to intentions to adopt. Policy interventions need targeted at different consumer groups if the aim is to further achieve mass adoption.

    Comments: 中国人买电动车考虑啥?

  9. Malokin A, Circella G, Mokhtarian P L. How do activities conducted while commuting influence mode choice? Testing public transportation advantage and autonomous vehicle scenarios[R]. 2015.

    Findings: The results empirically demonstrate the potential of a multitasking propensity to reduce the disutility of travel time.


  10. Yu W. Discovering Frequent Movement Paths From Taxi Trajectory Data Using Spatially Embedded Networks and Association Rules[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2018 (99): 1-12.

    Findings: This paper aims at mining spatial–temporal movement patterns from massive taxi trajectory data for discovering the inherent travel flow information within the urban system.

  11. De Vos J. Satisfaction-induced travel behaviour[J]. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2019, 63: 12-21.

    Findings: The effect of travel mode on travel satisfaction seems partly mediated by attitudes. Travel satisfaction might affect mode choice and attitudes more than vice versa. A model reshaping links between mode choice, attitudes and satisfaction is proposed.

  12. Pérez-Marín A M, Ayuso M, Guillen M. Do young insured drivers slow down after suffering an accident?[J]. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2019, 62: 690-699.

    Findings: Being involved in an accident significantly reduces a driver’s propensity to speed. However young drivers continue to commit speed violations, albeit to a lesser degree. This outcome is more accentuated among young male drivers. A greater reduction in speeding by drivers that suffer severe bodily injuries is observed.