1. 第一家倒下的无人车公司:死于内讧,终于投资方逼宫




  2. Lyft上市,它的司机们却罢工了……

    今天上午,硅谷共享乘车的巨头企业 Lyft正式以72美元一股在纳斯达克上市。股票最高一度飙到了88.6美元,比发行价上涨了21%。这是第一家上市的乘车公司,市值高达300亿美元。




  3. 少数派的未来猜想 无人驾驶的网约车,也许会像“无现金社会”一样说来就来



  4. 你的隐私正在“裸奔”:特斯拉被曝储存大量未加密个人数据



  5. 中国首份无人车路测报告:8 家公司 54 台车跑了 15 万公里


    北京的自动驾驶路测并未统计路测过程中出现的人工干预次数,以及由此计算而来的MPD值(Miles Per Disengagement,自动驾驶汽车每次干预能够自主行驶的里程数),只是统计了每家企业的路测车队规模和路测里程,使得外部缺乏一个权威的指标去衡量各家企业的自动驾驶技术水平。

    北京市交通委、经信局、公安交通管理局提出了下一阶段的三个重点工作: 1、完善智能网联汽车测试评价体系; 2、逐步扩大自动驾驶测试区域和测试道路范围; 3、研究推进自动驾驶载人测试工作

  6. Honda and Hino team up with Toyota and SoftBank on self-driving tech

    The joint venture is called Monet Technologies, and both Honda and Hino (which is owned in part by Toyota) will contribute around $2.27 million for a 10 percent slice of the pie each.

  7. Daimler Trucks picks up self-driving software firm Torc Robotics

    “We are forming the ideal combination between Torc’s expertise on agile software development and our experience in delivering reliable and safe truck hardware,” said Martin Daum, board member responsible for trucks and buses at Daimler AG.

    In addition to its software development and testing at its headquarters in Blacksburg, Va., Torc’s 100 staffers will work on self-driving trucks with Daimler’s chassis research and development team in Portland, Ore. The company said that Torc will continue working with Mercedes-Benz Cars on sensors and operations.

  8. From cashier-less checkout to self-driving car delivery, food shoppers are expecting big things

    “Consumers’ feedback demonstrates the need for grocers to embrace technology options that make the shopping experience easier and more enjoyable. And as we look towards the future, it’s clear that consumers have some high demands for the technology applications they expect grocers to invest in – from cashier-less checkout to self-driving car delivery.”

  9. Elon Musk clarifies Tesla’s plan to retrofit cars for ‘Full Self-Driving’ with new HW3 computer

  10. Self-driving Cars Learn to Navigate Unknown, Extreme Conditions

    To develop a more flexible, responsive control system, the researchers built a neural network – a type of artificially intelligent computing system – that integrates data from past driving experiences, and a winter test facility with foundational knowledge provided by 200,000 physics-based trajectories.

    “With the techniques available today, you often have to choose between data-driven methods and approaches grounded in fundamental physics,” said J Christian Gerdes, a professor at Stanford.

  11. 搞自动驾驶到底有多贵?一台行走的钞票粉碎机


    Uber的自动驾驶部门——Uber ATG,也在近日Uber的IPO进程中公开了它的月度账单:两千万美元。


  12. 最前线 华人运通发布概念车Concept U


  13. Toyota is giving automakers free access to nearly 24,000 hybrid car-related patents

    Toyota said Wednesday it will give royalty-free access to its nearly 24,000 patents related to electrification technology and systems through 2030 in a move that aims to encourage rival automakers to adopt the low-emissions and fuel-saving technology.

  14. Ford, GM, and Toyota team up to develop self-driving safety standards

    Three of the world’s leading automakers are joining forces to develop safety standards for self-driving cars. The new consortium will be called the Automated Vehicle Safety Consortium (AVSC), and it will be affiliated with the prominent auto engineering group SAE International.

    The AVSC’s press release did mention one specific goal that seems sorely needed: better sharing of sensor data. The group’s website says it will work on new methods for “data collection, protection, and sharing required to reconstruct certain events.”

  15. Tesla confirms new full self-driving computer is in production, will demonstrate capability this month

    “With a number of very exciting developments coming in the weeks and months ahead, Tesla will host investors on the morning of April 19th at our headquarters in Palo Alto to provide a deep dive into our self-driving technology and road map.”