1. 新能源汽车岔路口:纯电动瓶颈,氢燃料登场

  2. UBER:千亿市值独角兽如何打造超级会员体系

  3. 最前线 不希望重蹈Lyft覆辙,Uber IPO定价位于区间下限


  4. Self-driving cross-country trip possible for everyone with a Tesla this year, says Musk

  5. 滴滴迎来新对手:永安行来搅局了

  6. Believing machines can outperform people can lead to acceptance of self-driving cars

  7. Andrew Yang promises to protect American trucking industry from automation

    2020 presidential candidate Andrew Yang is using his campaign to warn America about the potentially damaging impact automation could have on the economy — and he’s putting an emphasis on truck drivers.

    What he’s saying: “What are the truck drivers going to do when the robot trucks come and start driving themselves?” Yang asked at a recent rural issues forum in Stuart, Iowa. Yang says the country needs a plan to manage the loss of these jobs, describing truck driving as the “most common job in 29 states.”

  8. 3万条航班数据背后,230座城市的天空之战

  9. Uber had an abysmal second day of trading

    It’s not looking great for ride-hailing giant Uber (NYSE: UBER). Today, Uber closed its second day of trading down more than 18.8% from its IPO price at $37.25 per share, with a market cap of $62.2 billion.

  10. Uber launches PIN feature to cut wait times at US airports, starting in Portland

  11. May Mobility will deploy self-driving shuttles in third city this week

  12. AAA survey finds more optimism over self-driving cars than in EVs

  13. 为西安人着急,西安机场啥时候能通地铁?

  14. 小鹏汽车进军网约车市场,上线“有鹏出行”平台提供专车服务



  15. 36氪首发「新石器」获云启资本领投近亿元人民币 A 轮融资,瞄准L4级无人车规模化交付



  16. 汽车36人 地平线余凯:从创业开始,我就在努力从科学家变成一个商人

  17. 36氪独家 滴滴青桔单车首次进入北京,首批投放3000辆

  18. 充电桩越多,车主越“焦虑”?




  19. Self-driving vehicle pulled over by curious police officer

  20. Providence will get its first publicly available self-driving shuttle, report says

  21. Tesla’s self-driving patent application hints at faster collision response

    A recently published Tesla patent application titled “Autonomous Driving System Emergency Signaling” describes a method of quickly communicating emergency information from vehicle sensors feeding into autonomous driving software. The new communication method will improve Autopilot’s response in emergency situations, thereby reducing the probability of accidents.

  22. 停在北上广



  23. 奔驰共享汽车败走中国,水土不服还是另有所谋?



  24. 滴滴回应被约谈:置换小蓝,正积极沟通;


  25. 大辩论(一):支持!现阶段中国应该发展商业航天

  26. 大辩论(二):反对!现阶段中国不该发展商业航天

  27. 研发自动驾驶环卫清扫车,「仙途智能 Autowise.ai」开启德国港口试运营

  28. Renault ready to roll out its first fully self-driving services