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  12. Lage, Isaac, et al. “An evaluation of the human-interpretability of explanation.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.00006 (2019).

    • Motivation: The evaluation of interpretable machine learning systems is challenging, as explanation is almost always a means toward some downstream task.
    • Research question: how increasing different types of complexity affects the usability of explanations for three tasks.
      • Explanation Size
      • Creating New Types of Cognitive Chunks
      • Repeated Terms in an Explanation
    • Methods:
      • Tasks
        • simulating the system’s response
        • verification of a suggested response
        • counterfactual reasoning because they are general enough to be relevant across a variety of domains
      • Metrics
        • response time
        • accuracy
        • subjective satisfaction
    • Results
      • The magnitude of performance effect varies by the type of complexity.
      • Surprisingly, implicit cognitive chunks were faster for people to process than explicit cognitive chunks. Participants
      • The type of question significantly impacted response time.
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