1. Bengio、Sutton的深度学习&强化学习暑期班又来了,2019视频已放出

  2. Krarup, Benjamin, et al. “Towards Model-Based Contrastive Explanations for Explainable Planning.”

    • Motivation: Producing contrastive explanation like “Why action A instead of action B?” requires the generation of the constrastive plan.
    • Research question: complile user question to constraints in a temporal and numeric PDDL2.1 planning setting
    • Methods:
      • To give contrastive explanation is to reason about what would happen in the counterfactual cases.
      • The authors approach this problem by generating plans for counterfactual cases via compilations, which they call the hypothetical model, or HModel.
  3. 读博一时爽,不听这些建议会一直爽……

  4. 联合利华、高盛等 100 多家公司都在用 AI 面试官,靠谱吗?

  5. 哈工大张伟男:人机对话关键技术及挑战

  6. 当博弈论遇上机器学习:一文读懂相关理论

  7. 黄奇帆:中国央行很可能在全球第一个推出数字货币

  8. Nair, Suraj, et al. “Causal Induction from Visual Observations for Goal Directed Tasks.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.01751 (2019).

    • Motivation: causal reasoning is an indispensable capability for intelligence.
    • Research quesiton: causal reasoning for completing goal-directed tasks.
    • Methods
      • 1) an iterative causal induction model with attention, which learns to incrementally update the predicted causal graph for each observed interaction in the environment,
      • 2) a goal-conditioned policy with an attention-based graph encoding, forcing it to focus on the relevant components of the causal graph at each step.
  9. MIT 6.S093: Introduction to Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  10. 给中央领导讲课陈纯的演讲全文:链上、链下数据协同技术是联盟链发展重要方向

  11. Cai, Carrie J., et al. “Human-centered tools for coping with imperfect algorithms during medical decision-making.” Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2019.

    • Motivation: algrithmically decision is different with doctor’s decision on retrieve visually similar medical images from past patients.
    • Methods:
      • identified the needs of pathologists when searching for similar images retrieved using a deep learning algorithm
      • developed tools that empower users to cope with the search algorithm on-the-fly, communicating what types of similarity are most important at different moments in time.
        • refine-by-region
        • refine-by-example
        • refine-by-concept
    • contribution:
      • enumerate key needs of pathologists when searching for similar images during medical decision-making.
      • present the design and implementation of interactive refinement tools, including a novel technique, refine-by-concept, that leverages key affordances of deep neural network models for similarity search.
      • report results from two studies demonstrating that these refinement tools can increase the utility of clinical information found and increase user trust in the algorithm, without a loss in diagnostic accuracy. Overall, experts perferred SMILY over a traditional interface, and indicated they would be more likely to use it in clinical practice.
      • identify ways that experts used refinement tools for purposes beyond refining their searches, including testing and understanding the underlying search algorithm; investigating the likelihood a decision hypothesis; and disambiguating ML errors from their own errors.
  12. Waymo expands self-driving services to include B2B car parts delivery trial

  13. 数字货币,通俗易懂

  14. Madumal, Prashan, et al. “A Grounded Interaction Protocol for Explainable Artificial Intelligence.” Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2019.

    • Motivation: XAI needs interation.
    • Research question: the challenges of meaningful interaction between an explainer and an explainee
      • key components that makeup an explanation interaction protocol (locutions)
      • relationships within those components (termination rules)
      • component sequences and cycles (combination rules)
    • Method:
      • grounded thoery
      • formalize the model using the agent dialogue framework (ADF) as a new dialogue type and then evaluate it in a human-agent interaction study.
      • propose a interaction protocol for the socio-cognitive process of explanation that is derived from different types of natural conversations between humans as well as humans and agents.
  15. 机器学习模型可解释性的详尽介绍

  16. Neverova, Natalia, et al. “Learning human identity from motion patterns.” IEEE Access 4 (2016): 1810-1820.

    • Motivation: learning human identity from motion patterns
    • challenges:
      • efficiently learning task-relevant representations of noisy inertial data;
      • incorporating them into a biometrics setting, characterized by limited resources. Limitations include how computational power for model adaptation on a new user and for real-time inference, as well as the absence (or very limited amount) of “negative” samples.
    • Method:
      • introduce the first method for active biometric authentication with mobile inertial sensors.
  17. Samek, Wojciech, et al. “Interpretable LSTMs For Whole-Brain Neuroimaging Analyses.”

    • Motivation: the analysis of neuroimaging data poses several strong challenges, in particular, due to its high dimensionality, its strong spatio-temporal correlation and the comparable small sample sizes of the respective datasets.
    • Methods:
      • introduce DLight framework, which overcomes these challenges by utilizing a long short-term memory unit (LSTM) based deep neural network architecture to analyze the spatial dependency structure of whole-brain fMRI data
      • in order to maintain interpretability of the neuroimaging data, we adapt the layer-wise relevance propagation (LRP) method.
  18. Guangyu Li, Max, et al. “DBUS: Human Driving Behavior Understanding System.” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops. 2019.

    • Motivation: Human driving behavior understanding is a key ingredient for intelligent transportation systems. We need to understand how humans drive and interact with environments.
    • Methods:
      • DBUS, a real-time driving behavior understanding system which works with front-view videos, GPS/IMU signals collected from daily driving scenarios.
      • DBUS focuses on not only the recognition of basic driving actions but also the identification of driver’s intentions and attentions.