1. 顶会抄顶会:SIGIR 2019论文被爆抄袭,部分内容宛如复制粘贴

  2. Vered, Mor, Frank Dignum, and Tim Miller. “Let’s Make It Personal, A Challenge in Personalizing Medical Inter-Human Communication.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.12687 (2019).

    • Motivation: Current AI approaches have frequently been used to help personalize many aspects of medical experiences and tailor them to a specific individuals’ needs. However, while such systems consider medically-relevant information, they ignore socially-relevant information about how this diagnosis should be communicated and discussed with the patient.
    • Methods:
      • propose the challenge of creating Intelligent Agents (IAs) to assist medical service providers (MSPs) and consumers in establishing a more personalized human-to-human dialogue.
      • propose a four-part conceptual framework for personalized social interactions, expand on which techniques are available within current AI research and discuss what has yet to be achieved.
  3. Dastjerdi, Aliasghar Mehdizadeh, et al. “Use intention of mobility-management travel apps: The role of users goals, technophile attitude and community trust.” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 126 (2019): 114-135.

    • Motivation: persuasive interventions delivered through mobility-management tools have received attention as a means to motivate change for sustainable urban mobility.
    • Research question: pinpoint and understand the driver that influence individuals’ travel decisions when using travel apps including both travel information and persuasive features.
    • Methods: questions 822 Danish travelers by distributing a technology-use preference survey. structural equation models
    • Results:
      • trip efficiency improvement, enjoyment, social interaction and environmentally-friendly travel promotion are important motives for using the new app;
      • individuals have different intentions according to the perceived value of the new information system as well as travel purposes;
      • technophile attitude exerts a positive influence on both user motives and use intention
      • social and institutional trust in addition to an affective bond to the city influence the use intention of the travel app.
  4. 华为曲线“造”车

  5. 搜狗公布2019年Q3财报:净利润2.83亿 同比增长47% 创历史新高

  6. 王琼. 高铁乘客候车时间利用类型及其影响因素研究[D].南京大学,2018.

    • Motivation: 高铁候车时间
    • Results:
      • 76%休闲活动,57%工作活动,35%消费活动,30%生活活动
      • 92%使用手机,66%不使用手机
  7. Pfleging, Bastian, Maurice Rang, and Nora Broy. “Investigating user needs for non-driving-related activities during automated driving.” Proceedings of the 15th international conference on mobile and ubiquitous multimedia. ACM, 2016.

    • Research question: investigate which non-driving-related ac- tivities drivers want to perform while driving highly or fully automated.
      • which activities the drivers want to perform once they do not have to steer or monitor their car any more
      • which of those will be feasible
    • Results:
      • besides traditional activities (talking to passengers, listening to music),
      • daydreaming,
      • writing text messages,
      • eating and drinking,
      • browsing the Internet,
      • calling are most wanted for highly automated driving.
      • This shows the potential for mobile and ubiquitous multimedia applications in the car.
  8. 滴滴“宵禁”女乘客

  9. 河北沧州开放中国首个区级全域测试路网,正式开启自动驾驶载人测试

  10. 依图科技与公安部交通管理科学研究所达成战略合作

  11. 我们在上海工厂,开了国产特斯拉

  12. 京沪高铁披露巨额资管规模,证监会质疑公司定位

  13. AI 到底是怎么「想」的?