1. 受外卖业务拖累 Uber 2019全年亏损85.06亿美元

  2. US clears the way for self-driving vehicle with no steering wheel or pedals

  3. 武汉战“疫”17天:6000网约车司机穿越生死线

  4. Patents and self-driving vehicles

  5. 用于自动驾驶的深度强化学习:一份综述

  6. Friendships Are Faltering But There’s Hope That AI Self-Driving Cars Might Cause A Friendship Uplift

  7. 王劲起诉文远知行要求清盘,文远知行:诉讼理由明显不成立

  8. How lidar makers are coping with slow progress of self-driving tech

  9. Aptiv’s self-driving cars have given 100,000 paid rides on the Lyft app

  10. A popular self-driving car dataset is missing labels for hundreds of pedestrians

  11. 2020年干掉大众,丰田只差一个斯巴鲁

  12. 吉利与沃尔沃合并整合,“买”出一个全球化

  13. 财报解读:Uber、Lyft亏损持续,网约车距离扭亏还要多久?

  14. Lexus prepares to introduce Level 2 autonomy

  15. Police say man deliberately caused self-driving Waymo van to rear-end him in Tempe

  16. Beware of low trailers when using Autopilot

  17. 急吼吼的印度政府,快不起来的印度电动车

  18. 「文远知行」发布自动驾驶出租车Robo-Taxi试运营报告,去年12月完成8396个出行订单

  19. 无人车投入“战疫”

  20. Yandex 宣称拥有 200 万自动驾驶里程 - 在 4 个月内翻了一番

  21. Uber Pays Google $9.7 Million To Settle Legal Beef In Tangled Self-Driving Car Fight