Autonomous Vehicles in Academic
1 People
1.1 Technology Field
- Francisco C. Pereira
- Filipe Rodrigues
- Lex Fridman [Homepage] : MIT research scientist; Human-centered AI; Autonomous vehicles
- Sebastian Thrun [Homepage] : founded Google X and Google’s self-driving car team; Stanford University Professor; AI for healthcare; AI for people-prediction; Smart homes.
- Emilio Frazzoli [Homepage] : CTO of nuTonomy; MIT Professor; Planning and control for mobile cyber-physical systems.
- J. Christian Gerdes [Homepage] : Professor at Stanford University; Director of the Center for Automotive Research at Stanford (CARS)
- Sertac Karaman [Homepage] : Associate Professor at MIT; Robotics; Control theory
- Yu Guizhen(余贵珍) : 踏歌智行创始人;北京航空航天大学教授;车辆智能感知与控制
- Jean-François Bonnefon
- Debbie Hopkins: Research Lecturer, University of Oxford
1.2 Business Field
- YANG Hai(杨海) [Homepage] : Editor-in-Chief of Transportation Research Part B: Methodological from 2013 to 2018; Professor at HKUST; Smart Mobility (Ride-sharing, Ride-sourcing, Taxi Industry); Traffic and Transport Dynamics; Road Pricing and Tradable Travel Credit Schemes; Public Transportation; Transportation Economics; Transportation Network Modeling and Optimization
- Ashley Nunes [Homepage] : Research Scientist in MIT; Transportation safety; Regulatory policy; Behavioral economics.
- YE Jieping(叶杰平) [Homepage] : VP of Didi Research; University of Michigan Associate Professor; Machine learning; Data mining.
- Gansha Wu (吴甘沙): CEO of Uisee
- Tony Seba: Author of “Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation”
- John Krafcik: Waymo CEO
- Sacha Arnoud: Director of Engineering of Waymo
- Brad Stertz: Director of Government Affairs, Audi
- Danny Shapiro: Senior Director of Automotive, NVIDIA
- Chris Urmson: CEO & Co-Founder, Aurora
- Robbie Diamond: CEO & President, SAFE
- Oliver Cameron: Co-Founder & CEO, Voyage
- Kelly Nantel, Vice President, Communications & Advocacy, National Safety Council
- Mark Rosekind: Chief Safety Innovation Officer, ZOOX
- Avery Ash: Head of Autonomous Mobility, INRIX
- Carlos A. Gimenez: Mayor, Miami-Dade County
- Robert Grant: Vice President, Global Government Relations, Cruise Automation
- Deborah Hersman: CEO, National Safety Council
- Alice N. Bravo, P.E.: Director, Transportation & Public Works Dept. Miami-Dade County
- David Schutt: CEO, SAE International
2 Journal
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems [Homepage] : Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).
IET Intelligent Transport Systems [Homepage] : The practical applications of intelligent transport systems and infrastructures.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice [Homepage] : General interest in all passenger and freight transportation modes: policy analysis, formulation and evaluation; planning; interaction with the political, socioeconomic and physical environment; design, management and evaluation of transportation systems.
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological [Homepage] : The development and solution of problems that are adequately motivated to deal with important aspects of the design and/or analysis of transportation systems.
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies [Homepage] : emerging technologies from such fields as operations research, computer science, electronics, control systems, artificial intelligence, and telecommunications, among others.
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment [Homepage] : The environmental impacts of transportation, policy responses to those impacts, and their implications for the design, planning, and management of transportation systems.
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review [Homepage] : informative and high quality articles drawn from across the spectrum of logistics and transportation research.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour [Homepage] : The behavioural and psychological aspects of traffic and transport.
3 Institute
School of Intelligent Systems Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University(中山大学智能工程学院) [Homepage] : 智能交通; 智慧医疗; 先进制造.
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Laboratory, HKUST [Homepage] : 交通行为、交通均衡分析,网络设计与优化; 交通需求管理(拥堵收费,可交易电子路票系统等); 智慧城市交通系统(交通控制,电动车管理,网约车出行,共享出行等); 公共交通系统(经济分析,建模,规划和运营,高峰出行需求管理等)
4 Papers
- Ryder B, Gahr B, Egolf P, et al. Preventing traffic accidents with in-vehicle decision support systems-The impact of accident hotspot warnings on driver behaviour[J]. Decision support systems, 2017, 99: 64-74.
- Abrahams A S, Jiao J, Wang G A, et al. Vehicle defect discovery from social media[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2012, 54(1): 87-97.
- Pillac V, Guéret C, Medaglia A L. An event-driven optimization framework for dynamic vehicle routing[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2012, 54(1): 414-423.
- Santos L, Coutinho-Rodrigues J, Antunes C H. A web spatial decision support system for vehicle routing using Google Maps[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2011, 51(1): 1-9.
- Suzuki Y, Montabon F, Lu S H. DSS of vehicle refueling: A new enhanced approach with fuel weight considerations[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2014, 68: 15-25.
- Suzuki Y. A decision support system of vehicle routing and refueling for motor carriers with time-sensitive demands[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2012, 54(1): 758-767.
- Hu X, Sun L, Liu L. A PAM approach to handling disruptions in real-time vehicle routing problems[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2013, 54(3): 1380-1393.
- Kaza S, Wang Y, Chen H. Enhancing border security: Mutual information analysis to identify suspect vehicles[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2007, 43(1): 199-210.
- Hu Z H, Sheng Z H. A decision support system for public logistics information service management and optimization[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2014, 59: 219-229.
- Ngai E W T, Leung T K P, Wong Y H, et al. Design and development of a context-aware decision support system for real-time accident handling in logistics[J]. Decision support systems, 2012, 52(4): 816-827.
- Bowden Z E, Ragsdale C T. The truck driver scheduling problem with fatigue monitoring[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2018, 110: 20-31.
- Paefgen J, Staake T, Thiesse F. Evaluation and aggregation of pay-as-you-drive insurance rate factors: A classification analysis approach[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2013, 56: 192-201.
- Willing C, Klemmer K, Brandt T, et al. Moving in time and space–Location intelligence for carsharing decision support[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2017, 99: 75-85.
- Landry S J, Chen X W, Nof S Y. A decision support methodology for dynamic taxiway and runway conflict prevention[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2013, 55(1): 165-174.
- Wang Y, Xu W. Leveraging deep learning with LDA-based text analytics to detect automobile insurance fraud[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2018, 105: 87-95.
- Kang K, Altinkemer K, Hur I. Mobile coupons delivery problem: Postponable online multi-constraint knapsack[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2018.
- Vomfell L, Härdle W K, Lessmann S. Improving Crime Count Forecasts Using Twitter and Taxi Data[J]. 2018.
- Sun C Y, Lee A J T. Tour recommendations by mining photo sharing social media[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2017, 101: 28-39.
- Pick J B, Turetken O, Deokar A, et al. Location Analytics and Decision Support: Reflections on Recent Avancementa, a Research Framework and the Path Ahead[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2017, 99.
Deodhar S J, Subramani M, Zaheer A. Geography of online network ties: A predictive modelling approach[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2017, 99: 9-17.
- Greenwood B N, Wattal S. Show Me the Way to Go Home: An Empirical Investigation of Ride-Sharing and Alcohol Related Motor Vehicle Fatalities[J]. MIS quarterly, 2017, 41(1): 163-187.
O’Leary M B, Wilson J M, Metiu A. Beyond being there: The symbolic role of communication and identification in perceptions of proximity to geographically dispersed colleagues[J]. MIS quarterly, 2014, 38(4): 1219-1243.
- Kuruzovich J, Viswanathan S, Agarwal R, et al. Marketspace or marketplace? Online information search and channel outcomes in auto retailing[J]. Information Systems Research, 2008, 19(2): 182-201.
Subramanian H, Overby E. Electronic commerce, spatial arbitrage, and market efficiency[J]. Information Systems Research, 2016, 28(1): 97-116.
Provost F, Martens D, Murray A. Finding similar mobile consumers with a privacy-friendly geosocial design[J]. Information Systems Research, 2015, 26(2): 243-265.
- Fagnant D J, Kockelman K. Preparing a nation for autonomous vehicles: opportunities, barriers and policy recommendations[J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2015, 77: 167-181.
- Yang W H, Wong R C P, Szeto W Y. Modeling the acceptance of taxi owners and drivers to operate premium electric taxis: Policy insights into improving taxi service quality and reducing air pollution[J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2018, 118: 581-593.
- Atiyeh Vaezipour, Andry Rakotonirainy, Narelle Haworth, Patricia Delhomme, A simulator evaluation of in-vehicle human machine interfaces for eco-safe driving [J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2018.
- Zhu J, Fan Y. Daily travel behavior and emotional well-being: Effects of trip mode, duration, purpose, and companionship[J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2018, 118: 360-373.
- Greene D, Hossain A, Hofmann J, et al. Consumer willingness to pay for vehicle attributes: What do we Know?[J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2018, 118: 258-279.
- Ma L, Zhang X, Ding X, et al. Bike sharing and users’ subjective well-being: An empirical study in China[J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2018, 118: 14-24.
5 公司信息
5.1 自动驾驶技术提供商
- 景驰科技
- 初速度科技 Momenta
- 驭势科技
- 图森未来
- 地平线机器人
- 百度Apollo
- 禾多科技
- 清智科技
- 智驾科技
- 智行者科技
- 安智汽车
- PlusAI
- Waymo
- Zoox
- Voyage
- TuSimple
- Navya
- Bauer’s
- Faraday Future
- Aimotive
- Aurora Innovation
- GM Cruise
- Delphi
- AutoX
- nuTonomy
- Horizon
- Oxbotica
- Polysync:开源开发平台
- BrightWay Vision:视觉系统
- Nvidia:人工智能处理器
- Nuro:人工智能机器人
- Carnegie Robotics:人工智能机器人
5.2 地图提供商
- 高德地图
- 百度地图
- Google maps
- Carmera:3D自动驾驶地图
- TomTom:自动驾驶地图
- DeepMap:自动驾驶高精地图
- Civil Maps:众包地图技术
- Telenav:众包地图技术
- Swift Navigation:自动驾驶导航
- EXO Technologies:高精导航
5.3 智能汽车制造产商
- 小鹏汽车
- 蔚来汽车
- 车和家
- Tesla特斯拉
- Apple
- 传统汽车厂商
- [Volkswagen]
- [Mercedes Benz]
- [Bosch]
- [Nissan]
- [BMW]
- [Honda]
- [Ford]
- [Subaru]
5.4 出行服务
5.5 导航
5.6 停车
5.7 驾驶安全
- Waypals:事故保障APP
- Splitsecnd:事故报警APP
- Nexar:周遭事故探测
- LyfeLens:车内防盗镜头
- Pearl RearVision:车尾镜头
- Road Eye:车载摄像头
- Roav:车载摄像头
- Smart Autolabs:智能后视镜
- FenSens:智能倒车仪
- SaverOne:分心驾驶探测
- Nauto:分心驾驶探测
- Smart Wheel:分心驾驶探测
- Phrame:智能车牌照
5.8 驾驶习惯
- DriveBetter:驾驶习惯记录仪
- CarVi:驾驶习惯记录仪
- Light Metrics:驾驶习惯记录仪
- Automatic:驾驶习惯记录仪
- TrueMotion:驾驶习惯记录仪
- Zubie:驾驶习惯记录
- CarIQ:驾驶习惯记录
- TourmalineLabs:驾驶习惯开发平台
- Cortex Labs:疲劳驾驶探测
- Carma:乘客数量探测APP
5.9 网络安全
- Cymotive:汽车防系统攻击
- Arilou:汽车防系统攻击
- Olympus Sky:网联车网络安全
- Karamba Security:自动驾驶安全
- Argus:自动驾驶安全
- Braiq:自动驾驶乘客行为探测
5.10 车内电脑
- Link Motion:自动驾驶车内电脑
- Swedspot:网联车信息交互
- Predict Systems:网联车信息交互
- Hudify:透明导航屏
- Cloudcar:车内娱乐控制
- Rightware:智能仪表盘
- Ficonic:智能仪表盘
- Navdy:智能仪表盘
- Radiomize:智能方向盘
- Navideck:智能车内音乐播放APP
5.11 感应器
- TriLumina:自动驾驶感应器
- Mobileye:视觉辅助驾驶
- VayaVision:自动驾驶视觉
- DeepScale:自动驾驶视觉
- Deep Vision:计算机视觉
- Chronocam:计算机视觉
- Facet:激光雷达
- Innoviz:激光雷达
- LeddarTech:激光雷达
- Phantom Intelligence:激光雷达
- Velodyne:激光雷达
- Strobe:激光雷达
5.12 新汽车材料
- NaWa Technologies:纳米材料
- Nanosteel:3D纳米打印
- 36Kr-汽车交通
- 虎嗅-车与出行
- Techcrunch Transportation
- Forbes Transportation
- Google News - self-driving
- PAVE Campaign