2019.05 Paper Weekly 1
A Graph Combination With Edge Pruning‐Based Approach for Author Name Disambiguation
- Motivation: Author name disambiguation
- Research gap: First, the namesake problem in which two or more authors with the same name publishes in a similar domain. Second, the diverse topic problem in which one author publishes in diverse topical domains with a different set of coauthors.
- Proposed method: we initially propose a method named ATGEP for AND that addresses the namesake issue.
Allocation of e-car charging: Assessing the utilization of charging infrastructures by location
- Motivation: The availability of charging infrastructure
- Research question: This paper aims to examine the distribution of the allocation of future charges to the various types of charging stations in order to provide a starting point for the evaluation of the need for charging infrastructure, i.e. its number, design and cost-effectiveness.
- Proposed method: a new approach to derive the allocation of charging processes is applied by using demographic variables and decision rules.
Recommendations and privacy in the arXiv system: A simulation experiment using historical data
- Motivation: Recommendation and privacy.
- Research gaps: Recommender systems may accelerate knowledge discovery in many fields. However, their users may be competitors guarding their ideas before publication or for other reasons.
- Research work: We describe a simulation experiment to assess user privacy against targeted attacks, modeling recommendations based on co‐access data.
Dynamic ridesharing with variable-ratio charging-compensation scheme for morning commute
- Motivation: Ridesharing, Morning commute
- Research gap: variable-ratio charging-compensation scheme (VCS)
- Research work: The optimal VCS without imposing road pricing when the ridesharing platform minimizes the disutility or maximizes its profit is analyzed.
Explicit factor models for explainable recommendation based on phrase-level sentiment analysis
- Motivation: explainable
- Research gap: the latent features make CF algorithms difficulty to explain the recommendation results to the users. with the continuous growth of online user reviews, the information available for training a recommender system is no longer limited to just numerical star ratings or user/item features.
- Proposed method: we propose the Explicit Factor Model (EFM) to generate explainable recommendations, meanwhile keep a high prediction accuracy.